Once you throw out the bath water of religion/belief/faith, there was no baby to begin with.
In a sense, I agree with you, and a few other posters who said there was no baby. Only bathwater.
If your faith was in religion and men, then you might not have had the baby to begin with. Just the bathwaters. So that is all you had to throw out.
Do you really think there is a big man in the sky?
I think there is a creator, God, shown to us through His Son. God is spirit and the spiritual realm is not the same as the physical realm. So no 'man' in the 'sky'.
If that's the case, who decides what can be trusted, and what should be disagreed with?
I guess you do. Do you believe that Christ is the Truth, or do you believe he's just a little bit of the truth? (not asking you, personally...) If Christ is the Truth and you are following Him... then anything that is in harmony with His teachings (word and deed) is also truth. Anything that is in conflict with Him is not truth. Once you know the truth, it is easy to spot a lie.
The bible is a tool, CoC. It tells us things that happened and were believed in the pov of the writer. It tell us a bit about people. It tells us a bit about Christ. Some messages are carried through multiple books, and some seem out of place. Some of those writers claimed inspiration; some merely claimed to have investigated or taken an historical accounting. But the bible is not one book just because some men somewhere slapped it together and called it one book, with one author, and deemed it inerrant.
Christ is the Truth. Know Him, no problems.
So N.drew or Tec can you tell me one really important thing that the bible says which is a result of mistranslation or "lying scribes"? Something that would make a significant difference to your beleifs.
"I punish the children to the third and fourth generation."
I don't recall where that is, but that is in conflict with Christ teachings and deeds. It is even in conflict with other books in the OT where God is written to have said that He does NOT punish the children for the sins of the Father.
However, someone may have thought this to be true. Children do suffer for the sins of the previous generations because we leave them with the natural consequences of our actions. If we are racist, we teach it to our children, and all the consequences that come with that fall into their laps. If we destroy the environment, we leave the harmful effects to our children. That is our children paying for our sins. Not God punishing them for our sins. But if someone who wrote that verse (I punish to the third and fourth generation) was more of a 'calvanist' in thinking, then it would only make sense to them to believe that all suffering is punishment from God. So I can understand how that view got into the bible. But that does not make it truth.