Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • designs

    Take a look at the housing recovery. About a good year ahead of expectations. ETF ITB shows where the homebuilders started to turn the corner.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Q, you must have missed the fact that a big number of people who get help are working already, they just don't make enough money to buy luxuries like food for their families.

    Obama has had to fight the republicans in congress for every inch of progress he has made in trying to heal the economy. I'm surprised that you are so charmed by Romney. It must be the common Mormon background.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    I was pretty clear about what I thought earlier. But why don't you tell us, RBIH.

    the transcript says the recording stopped. judging from the camera, it was sitting behind glasses and might have been moved, or the original recorder might have moved it for whatever reason.

    if you really want to know, i'd suggest asking motherjones and do some investigating.

    what i find funniest is that the irs has a very interesting study about tax policy and how the wealthiest can find ways to zero out their tax liability. i forgot the numbers as to how many of those wealthy individuals are estimated to not pay, but i wonder...would they be part of that 47% that's lazy and depends on the gov't for food housing, etc?

  • bluesaph

    BTS, YOU PERSONALLY and REPEATEDLY took President Obama's "You didn't build that" quote out of context. Yes, the context was discussed and you DISREGARDED the context.

    Now, for self serving reasons, you are all about context.

    The amount of tape that was released gave us A LOT of context. Mother Jones is under no obligation to release anything else. Entire paragraphs were provided. If Romney said something in between his attrocious remarks that could be considered "redeeming" well it's up to him to redeem himself. No one owes him any favors. He is not ENTITLED to any HELP from Mother Jones or anyone else.

  • botchtowersociety

    Bluesaph, even with context, I think that is what he believes and meant. I stand by my interpretation. You don't agree? That's your prerogative. My opinion is different from yours.

    Mother Jones is under no obligation to release anything else.

    Mother Jones said they were releasing the full video. Then they said they released the full video. They lied. They said one thing, then did another....and they did not even tell the public the video was cut until they were called on it. They are being called on the lie. You don't like that being pointed out? Fine. You don't have to. But the fact that they lied stands. You want to defend lies? Go for it.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Q: " P.s. put the frakkin bust of Churchill back into the Oval office. Our children are dying with yours."

    The bust of Churchill is still in the White House residence, outside the Treaty Room.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    For those who are insisting that everything Romney said is true:

    Some interesting charts can be found here.

    You Might Be the 47 Percent If…

    …you don't owe federal income taxes because you're a working mom, a soldier, a millionaire, or a corporation.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Mother Jones said they were releasing the full video. Then they said they released the full video. They lied. They said one thing, then did another....and they did not even tell the public the video was cut until they were called on it. They are being called on the lie. You don't like that being pointed out? Fine. You don't have to. But the fact that they lied stands. You want to defend lies? Go for it.

    the irony

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    Update: According to the source, the recording device was inadvertently turned off between these two segments. The source noticed quickly and began to re-record, resulting in an estimated a one-to-two minute loss of tape.

    from mother jones...

  • botchtowersociety
    Update: According to the source, the recording device was inadvertently turned off between these two segments. The source noticed quickly and began to re-record, resulting in an estimated a one-to-two minute loss of tape.

    Do you actually believe that story?

    The secret camera does not move. If someone had handled it, the angle would have changed a great deal.

    What is Mother Jones hiding?

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