Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    welfare does not mean not having a job. if you go into the bronx, or frankly all around nyc though this could be said of many other cities, there's a lot of welfare recipients who work. even for things like housing assistance, your rent is based on how much you are earning.

    it might be different in the uk, but in many parts of the us, welfare =/= not working.

  • FlyingHighNow

    went into homes where welfare payments enabled functioning adults to cease working and live a life of dependant despair with no need to take any

    responsibility, these people invariably spent money on short term products like alcohol and neglected their homes and appearance.

    You mentioned drunken welfare people with no jobs as compared to people not on welfare with less money and jobs. We are talking about people who work many hours a week, but still need help like foodstamps or section 8. And you don't sound judgmental about the people you called on. You're not generalizing about them, you know, lumping them into set, black and white groups are you?

  • Qcmbr

    I am not complaining about Americans. Stop making stuff up about my posts - you look like you can't read and you annoy me!

    When someone is given benefits and ceases to work they generally ( many exceptions) reduce their capabilities, hopes and motivations.

    When society makes it so that an adult individual is dependant upon the state in ANY financial way long term then generally ( many exceptions) there is a reduction in capabilities, hopes and motivations.

    When society tackles the real problems and provides ways for an adult to be self sufficient they generally ( many exceptions ) increase their capabilities, hopes and motivations.

    The UK has many of the same welfare problems as the US because the principles are universal.**dy hell FHN cease and desist. You are now trying to suggest my comments re experiences with people on welfare are racially motivated. Stop it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Who mentioned race?? You more than annoy me.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Black and white as in no gray areas or people in between the two extremes. Come on. How ridiculous is it for you to read race into that?

  • FlyingHighNow

    It looks to me like you need more deprogramming, Q.

  • Berengaria
    I'd also like to hear someone other than myself address the fact that Mother Jones lied about releasing the full video, and is witholding the very immediate context to the Romney comments that they used to try to ignite a firestorm.

    A pathetic attempt by the right wing blogosphere to undo what has been done. It doesn't matter what is in that gap. This is stuff we have known about Romney for a long time, there is nothing new in that segment of the video, other than an uglier more blatant display of what the man is all about. He's made similar statements before. AND he has not backed away from the video since it came out, simply doubled down on the theme.


  • Qcmbr

    FHN - try making an argument re politics. Quite trying to pick apart an argument by ad homineum attacks , it is intellectually lazy. Make your case as to why handouts need to continue and how that should be done when the debt pile of the country is growing faster than it can be paid off. I think we can agree that you and I will never get on as looking at our post history I'm utterly underwhelmed by your posts and you reciprocate that feeling . Let's both agree that you don't talk about me and my motivations as a way to undermine a point and I'll just ignore you. Seems fair to me.

    For fairness sake I will also apologise re race, your post, on second reading coupled with your surprised reaction does have a non-racial reading as well. I got the wrong one and apologise unreservedly.

  • FlyingHighNow
    When society tackles the real problems and provides ways for an adult to be self sufficient they generally ( many exceptions ) increase their capabilities, hopes and motivations.

    Well, golly, I suppose the working poor Americans would rather take hand outs than be self sufficient. I'm sure they'd rather work 6 jobs per family and draw foodstamps than have jobs that pay enough to work 40 hours and still be able to afford rent and food.

    I have mentioned Bob and Janet. Republican voters who both have college degrees. They work where I do and get paid what I get paid. He is also a real estate salesman. They get MI Child insurance and foodstamps and they are as harsh and judgmental as you about people who draw any kind of aid.

  • Berengaria

    To say that you know about what motivates people, or what their lives are or have been by going door to door is rather silly.

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