You obviously have not even taken the time to see these videos.
You are right, I did not (though i might have seen it before, I have watched a couple of his videos). I'll try and take a look soon.
Your argument is totally in your head, as there no observable example of ANYTHING coming into existence "ex-Nihilo" or from nothing.
Yes, I agree... but I, as you show that you do understand from your comments below, am not saying that something comes from nothing (the absence of anything/everything)
The current scientific theory... or hypothesis, I am not sure how "sure" it is... if I understand correctly (from Laurence Krauss), is that the universe did or could have come from "Nothing" (the meaning of the word has been changed though, lol, so that "Nothing" is actually something)
What you and your fellow believers argue is that God has always existed (with of course, no evidence) AND that he made the Universe come to be from nothing other than his own existance. And to argue this, you are are using 'creatio ex materia' examples to defend 'create ex-Nihilo' claims.
You go even further, and I must admit I need to think about this — you say "Since God is not nothing (the absence of anything/everything)... this is untrue. Everything came from HIM. From HIS energy, that brought forth LIGHT/LIFE."
This is yet a new spin for me; because this is NOT what the Bible not other creation stories claim at all. I need to dig deeper in this claim of yours and where you get the idea that God had the elements to make the Universe.
I learned from Christ, from the understanding He gave me... and also the understanding that He gave others who shared as He gave them to share, to which the Spirit confirmed as being true. God being energy, and so the source, has been shared on this forum as well as on my other forum. You, too, could ask for understanding, and then listen... to what the Spirit gives you.
I am not sure myself where people get the idea that God created everything out of nothing. I do not think that the bible even states that God created everything from nothing. Genesis states that God created... it does not say how. He SPOKE (and brought forth LIGHT - which is Christ/Life... from which all other life came forth) Hebrews mentions that the visible was created from what is not visible (but even that is also not saying from nothing)
There is also this verse:
"For in Him, we live and move nad have our being."
He IS energy, and love, and FROM Him, came Life.
But yes, please do ask, and contemplate on this. It is an awesome thing to learn.
(My God, is the Father of Christ... and yes, He is also the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob... but He is only KNOWN/SHOWN by His Image and Truth: Christ)
Peace to you,