TEC said-
No, love... I provided an example that I have of NOT listening. The goalposts have never moved.
"Not listening" vs "listening"? Jeez.....
So you're only throwing a bit of quibbling on top, AKA "distinction without a difference"?
Description: The assertion that a position is different from another position based on the language, when in fact, both positions are exactly the same -- at least in practical terms.
You do this one alot, too; in fact, the example #2 they provide on the site could've been taken from one of your posts:
Example #2:
We must judge this issue by what the Bible says, not by what we think it says or by what some scholar or theologian thinks it says.
Explanation: Before you say, “Amen!”, realize that this is a clear case of distinction without a difference. There is absolutely no difference here because the only possible way to read the Bible is through interpretation, in other words, what we think it says. What is being implied here is that ones own interpretation (what he or she thinks the Bible says) is what it really says, and everyone else who has a different interpretation is not really reading the Bible for what it says.
Of course, your boilerplate advice is that you "listen TO Jesus" and you tell others to do so, too, which is only just a slight variation on that same-ol' basic theme (except with a heavy pinch of "appeal to the Authority of Jesus" thrown in, just for good measure).
But back to the goalposts thing:
Braincleaned asked you for what evidence you have for God.
You responded:
My evidence for God is Christ, first and foremost
You then provided an example of hearing his voice ("It's in John, TEC....."), which sounds alot like a function of memory. SNR countered with HIS memory experience on a test.
To defend, you then moved the goal-posts, referring to some other nebulous episode which involves knowing something where memory wasn't a factor (which BTW, you didn't offer any details about).
And then when challenged on the "John" account, you act as if the account is different on the basis of NOT listening?
Sorry, love, but THAT'S moving the goalposts all up and down the field, and hopefully you can keep track of where you moved it to.