"Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful, without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it, too?"
Sure it is. But why ignore the fairies at the bottom just because the garden is beautiful?
the 'goal posts' move every time science comes up with a new answer and religion has to shift in their concept of "god" to accomidate what eventually becomes "common knowlege".
As prologos just said, that is science moving the goal posts.
Not everyone depends upon science to give the TRUTH. Answers, discoveries, current knowledge of the process of life around us, sure... but as I stated earlier, science gives us the process. Which can help us understand some things about God along the way, that we probably won't get from reading the bible.
For example,
"God created the world by/from His great power."
That is a huge statement... and science can expand upon the details as it catches up to what that power is, how it works, etc. When science discovers it all, the statement that God created the world by his great power, or that life came from God, will be no less true... it will just be 'fleshed out'.
Though I agree with you that religion has fought against science and scientific discoveries, but to no benefit for them or for science.
Because it is only our own limitations and lack of understanding of science and/or of God that creates the conflict.