Changing the Goalposts

by braincleaned 88 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    I know my own voice, Cofty... and that was simply one example of NOT listening. I have conversations with myself in my own mind all the time also... but this (conversations with my Lord) is not that.

    The difference is, most of us are humble enough to acknowledge that it all originates in our own mind. Very few people have the astonishing hubris to claim it is the god of the universe telling them trivia.

    You see, I don't think it is very humble to take credit for something that came from someone else.

    We are to be humble before God.

    Claiming something as our own, rather than giving credit to the One who gave it to us... is not being humble before God at all. It is also a lie, and theft.

    So despite the accusations that come from others, when one gives credit to Christ, and God... one should stick with being honest.

    You could have found that verse in 2 seconds using google but apparently you needed the almighty one itself. Too bad he doesn't have any time left to do useful things.

    The point is not that I could not have found it by some other means... but that my Lord TOLD me. And that entire experiences teaches more than just where that verse is located. It teaches about hearing, about how easy it is to pay attention to our own runaway thoughts and reasoning, and ignore His voice.

    I really am off now...



  • cofty
    I know my own voice, Cofty...

    I beg to differ.

    What boring company Jesus is. I would expect better from the almighty one.

  • cantleave

    I knew a guy in one of our old congregations who had a voice telling him he should partake of the emblems. He was convinced it wasn't his voice.

    Sadly the same voice resulted in him being sectioned after he was told by the voice that he should hurt people.

  • Jeffro


    The point is not that I could not have found it by some other means... but that my Lord TOLD me. And that entire experiences teaches more than just where that verse is located. It teaches about hearing, about how easy it is to pay attention to our own runaway thoughts and reasoning, and ignore His voice.

    You're just indulging in a fantasy where you pretend that some of your own self talk is coming from someone else. It might be fun. But it isn't real. And that's fine, but it isn't proof of anything at all.

  • snare&racket

    Having consumed vast amounts of informationin 6 years of medical education, I have on almost a daily occurence been asked very specific questions, like doses or blood levels or dangerous interactions etc etc where from nowhere, the brain brings forth the answer from the depths... and you say "3.95" with no idea where your brain got it from, somwhere in the last 6 years it went it.

    It happens so often now I am used to it, medical exams would literally be impossible without this brain function, and I in the early days was reminded of my JW assumption that such brain activity was 'holy spirit'. It is amazing how misguided you can be about very natural behaviours.

  • tec

    What boring company Jesus is. I would expect better from the almighty one.

    I'm not sure how any communication from the Spirit of Christ could be considered boring, lol.

    But you reject the BIG things as ridiculous and unprovable, and the small things as... well, boring.

    I knew a guy in one of our old congregations who had a voice telling him he should partake of the emblems. He was convinced it wasn't his voice.
    Sadly the same voice resulted in him being sectioned after he was told by the voice that he should hurt people.

    Well, that second voice would not have been the voice of Christ. Because He taught and did the exact opposite. Snare, you are speaking of memory recall of things formerly learned and stored? I'm not arguing with that... or suggesting that this IS that. But that could not be an explanation of things that you had NOT learned, because no where did you ever learn such things... ever... and you know this, even if others do not believe it. Peace to you, tammy

  • adamah
    Sadly the same voice resulted in him being sectioned after he was told by the voice that he should hurt people.

    TEC Said-

    Well, that second voice would not have been the voice of Christ. Because He taught and did the exact opposite.

    Have you already forgotten our thread on the topic of FAITH, where God commanded Abraham to murder his son Isaac, based on nothing but his FAITH in God (Hebrews 11)?

    TEC said-

    Snare, you are speaking of memory recall of things formerly learned and stored? I'm not arguing with that... or suggesting that this IS that. But that could not be an explanation of things that you had NOT learned, because no where did you ever learn such things... ever... and you know this, even if others do not believe it.

    Huh? Do you have an example that you'd care to share of this, since Snare's example fits the example you provided on page 3 to a tee, where you REMEMBERED a Bible passage you obviously had read or heard previously and were looking for: I was searching for a passage I needed for something (that I will not go into here), and I wondered what book it was in. The 'he who is without sin cast the first stone' passage. My Lord said to me, "John". You're not actually attempting to move the goalposts, even in a thread that's ABOUT when people unfairly attempt to move goalposts (!), are you? Adam

  • tec
    Have you already forgotten our thread on the topic of FAITH, where God commanded Abraham to murder his son Isaac, based on nothing but his FAITH in God (Hebrews 11)?

    Have you forgotten that this VERY story shows everyone, everywhere, for all time... that GOD provides for US?

    I have plenty of examples, love. Some on this forum, in other threads, some elsewhere on another forum.

    Not sure what goalpost you would think I was moving.



  • adamah

    TEC said- Not sure what goalpost you would think I was moving.

    Of course not: I wouldn't expect you to be able see it, since you do it with such regularity, it's become like a knee-jerk instinct.

    Let's break it down and see if it helps you to see it:

    1) You provided an example of your voice jogging your memory ("It's in John, TEC...."),

    2) SNR provided a similar example of where he remembered something from deep inside HIS memory.

    3) You THEN come back with some other higher criteria for how your voice is different, now claiming your voice told you something that is unknowable by you (all without even offering an example).

    THAT'S a textbook example of moving the goalposts.


  • tec
    1) You provided an example of your voice jogging your memory ("It's in John, TEC...."),

    No, love... I provided an example that I have of NOT listening.

    The goalposts have never moved.



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