1: No faith schools allowed. Can you imagine what this would do to right-wing nutjobs when all Catholic Schools are closed down?
2: No home schooling on religious grounds. See Above.
3: Banning all religious clothing on public , municipal property (schools, courthouses etc.) You sound like a Nazi
4: Enacting protection laws banning arranged marriages for under 18s. Cultural practices all of which are controlled by the west would be foolish. The same thing happened here. You can still get married here if under 18. Please let the world know why the arbitrary age of 18 is ok but not 17?
5: The immediate creation by and for Muslims of country based , open to the public, authoraties in charge of mosques, Islamic religious instruction etc. This would make clear the expectation of policing extremist views in a transparent fashion. Any mosque violating would be closed until reformed. You were UPSET because I asked you if these rules were in place for all religions and you wrote me off as if I was not paying attention. You clearly make the point that this mandate is for Muslims only. Your bias is showing.
6: All people leaving the country to fight for Islamic wars to receive a permanent ban on re-entering the country. - Wonderful. Totally Agree
7: A clear and honest review of all religious privilege across all religions with the aim of imposing a set of public standards (covering shunning, honour killing, women's rights, gender issues etc.) with mild sanction (losing charitable status) through to bans on individuals, congregations or religious practices depending on the seriousness of the social problem. - Undermines the “beliefs” of the so-called founding fathers
8: Standardisation and potential banning of such things as halal slaughtering practices if deemed inhumane. So the killing of animals by electrocution or being bashed in the head with sledgehammers that take place currently are still ok or would they be bad as well? How about those experiments on lab animals etc...
you are so imbalanced in your reasoning.