Christian Pastors ORDERED to Marry Gays or Face JAIL TIME & FINES $$$

by oneyeopen 118 Replies latest social current

  • DJS


    You are the one preaching hate. Those of us who oppose you are simply showing you that hate. Believe in fairy tales if you wish; you have the freedom. So calling down evil on me in Jah's name is love, huh?

    We are talking about acceptance, ridding society of judgments based on sexual persuasion and activities which are private. If you wish to believe in angry gods who are going to detroy such then by all means continue to believe and hate. Thankfully society is gradually making the voicing of those opinions and judgments in public something to avoid.

    Why are you so offended that I tell you the obvious- what consenting adults do in private is none of your business. Believe if you wish, just as racists can continue to be racists. But they can't act on it without consequences. Go into the privacy of your home or church and curse gays, lesbians, sluts, whores, swingers, transgenders, polygamists, polyamorists and people who play with their pets. That is your right. Ask your make believe friend in the sky to kill them all. That is your right.

    But taking it out in public gets you what you deserve. I suggest you deal with it.

  • blondie

    So is the Hitching Post a church or a for profit business?

    Is this a case of 2 pastors also owning a business?

  • DJS


    You are joking, right? Gatuities accepted? Wedding packages??? Adverstising? It's a business.

  • AlphaMan

    So is the Hitching Post a church or a for profit business? Is this a case of 2 pastors also owning a business?


    I called the story up once, but the second time I tried it was just too slow. I took it that the Hitching Post was more like a public wedding chapel that people could use to get married, but then the story kind of sounded like a law to enforce jail & fines on any Christian Pastors that declined to marry same sex couples. A public wedding chapel business should not discriminate based on race, religion or sexuality. Forcing private religious denomination clergy to do it against their conscience is a different matter.

  • DJS


    I agree. The Constitution would seem to protect this.

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    Yes genes that get DAMAGED in the womb from mothers exposure, not forgeting that she has her eggs from birth. Genes also are not SET so to speak, they can be altered, swithed on and off- gene expression I think. You CAN change your DNA Can Change Your DNA by science: You really can change your DNA - and here's how OF CONSCIOUS INTENTION ON HUMAN DNA

    You are linking to absolute bullshit websites.

  • blondie

    DJS, I feel it is a for profit business but I did not want to give a conclusion without people have a chance to see for themselves.

  • M*A*S*H

    AlphaMan: I am not sure exactly what to say to you. Do you really not understand the difference between comparing homophobic statements to racist statements in an effort to demonstrate the discrimination?

    Why would a gay couple want to force a Pastor to marry them?

    I have never suggested a Pastor should be forced to marry anyone, again as I have stated multiple times but you still fail to grasp the simple concept... if someone with a marriage license wants to discriminate I believe they should have the license removed. Is that clear?

    As you do not seem to be reading the posts I will just repost what I said earlier...

    Again I am not taking this 'out of context'....

    "Gay people have gained a lot of acceptance, but they lose support when they try to ramrod their beliefs down people's throats who simply believe differently." by AlphaMan

    Here you suggest that 'gay people' (generalising is a sure fire sign of homophobia) wanting to get married is not a desire for them to express love for one another, but an effort to "ramrod their beliefs down people's throats".

    Also, being gay is not a belief. What exactly do you think "their beliefs" are?

  • steve2

    Oh this is a convenient post to trot out the same old tired complaints about churches, pastors, "believers" being forced to do something against their faith. Rubbish. It is not.

    Hell, a church can refuse to marry its own members if it so chooses, let alone drongoes off the street demanding to be married. despite the moral panic, religious groups are exempt from this statute.

  • oneyeopen

    DJS:This is why I bought the subject up from a 'christian' perspective, obviously you are not. The point I actually wanted to make was that if you are familar with scripture....the demise of "babylon the great" mother of the harlots is turned on by the "beast" the political element of the system and destroyed despite the ORG being a "crock" of "crooks" prophecy is clear. Years ago the point was made that the bible would be promoted as a "book" promoting "hatred" and there's no way around the stance of homosexuality.Then you have the Pope condeming fundamentalist can see where this is leading. No more Religion, no more christians....fulfilling prophecy, Rand PAul condemning media blackout on world wide war on christians Rand Paul: 'Worldwide War on Christianity' Ignored by Obama, MediaOct 2013. Now look at what is happening with IS killing christians I remember reports of young girls being dismembered alive for being christians about 12 months ago

    We can see how useful the IS situation would be for the pope to bring about a U.N of Religion condeming fundamentalist christians, muslim or otherwise

    in my earlier post I gave a link or 2

    I did not intend to create/start some gender race hate thing but we cant escape that fact that the bible is black and white on the subject, liking it or not. But its no reason to hate on christians because of what is required of those to please the God of the scriptures, whether we like it or not., its a personal choice and or sacrifice to make.

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