I wish you the best NG.... I hope that one day man can discuss god in the way that we just have.... without judgement and taunting. Until then, please take care of yourself. If this is all that you know... learning more will come in time. You have taken the first step in coming here... hearing the other side.
I too hope that when you return you are not "all broken up". My own mother and sister are being held captive by this group of people (not god)... It is my full intention to destroy this organization, and I am sorry if that sounds mean. I have not seen or heard from them in years, but I, through my own devices have begun the deception. I fully intend to work my way through the ranks... I am bucking for elder in the near future. When this day comes, it will truly be a happy day.
We disagree on the subject of god. This would not stop me from giving my life to save yours. Please stop in and say hi. Please stop in and let us know that you are well.
I wish you good health, and all the happiness in the world.