It's a shame that we talk about the 22 lives lost in the Manchester bombing, yet we do not approach the elephant in the room that is, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Libya. Literally tens of thousands of, men, women, and children have been slaughtered with American and UK made bombs. Oh, because it's not in our Western world then it dousn't matter.
Someone mentioned the Philippines here. The reason ISIS are now causing havoc in the Mindanao region, including Davao City, is because President Duterte is now breaking ties with America and seeking diplomatic relations with China and Russia. Duterte also is aware he could be assassinated at any time due to his stance on drugs in his country.
President Duterte knows what is going on, he knows where the drugs come from, and who they benefit. That's the very reason ISIS are now attacking the Philippines. And if you ask any Filipino what they think of Duterte, they will defend him to the death. This is how much the Philippines love their President.
The Philippines is a poor country due to the medling of the US, I heard just the other day the Philippines has the second biggest minerals resource in the world, that resource is Gold. Why has the Philippines not benefited from this precious mineral. That question you would need to ask the US.
Please, before denouncing another religion, let's remember what we in the west are guilty of. And this is NOT in the name of religion.
It's our political policies in the middle East that has caused this problem. And another thing that needs to be asked, when these so called terrorists attack, why do they never attack the political system, why not blow up the houses of Parliament, why not target the Prime Minister of Britain, or the President of the United States? Why do these so called terrorists go for soft targets?
On a side note, Teresa May said after the Manchester attack she now wants to go after the internet. As far as I know, this attack didn't have nothing to do with the internet at all.