It may as well be named "Pin the Tail on the Donkey." It alll comes out of the rear end of such an animal.
Posts by zack
Convention should be called Follow "A" Christ
by garybuss inaccording to the insight book, there are christs like there are gods, many!
the term "christ" is a title like judge or attorney.
if the conventions are really about jesus, like they're advertised in the media, the conventions should be called follow "a" christ instead of "the" christ, according to witness produced literature.
JW Atttitude toward Illegal Immigrants
by B_Deserter ini have a jw friend that is letting an illegal immigrant live with him.
the brothers in his hall know his status (i wouldn't be surprised if half of them were illegal as well) but mention nothing about "obeying caesar's laws.
anybody else ever notice this?
For the record, being an "irregular" alien, one who has not been "inspected" at a port of entry(commonly termed illegal alien) is a violation of federal civil law, not criminal law. And the WTS allows them no official positions in the congregation.
Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand! Another Angel!
by Sarah Smiles inrevelation climax pg 158, paragraph 16. .
revelation 12:7 .
who is michael?
The more I read the literature, the more I feel I deserve a swift kick in the ass for beleiving it for so long.
Do you have all the friends you want to have?
by JH ini'm not talking about internet friends, but friends close by in your town.. so, do you have as many friends as you would like to have?.
when i was young and going to school, i had a few friends, but now i don't have any friends, but on the other hand, i'm a loner and i don't really care.
i'm not really searching for friends.
A man dies rich if he has one true friend after lifetime. They are rare.
Ore. court rules against Mormon church's effort to keep finances secret
by jgnat inthis find is courtesy of our very own poster, gretchen956.. here is the link: .
here is the article: .
ore. court rules against mormon church's effort to keep finances secret .
First Amendment grounds for non disclosure of financial information for an entity that receives tax-exemption has always seemed a flimsy argument. Why should any entity that is subsidized by all tax payers receive a privilege such as this? I wish the tax law would change: if you want exemption then full disclosure is in order.
Kudos to the Christians/Believers on JWD. (seriously)
by Open mind infirst off i'd like to say that the title of this thread is not tongue-in-cheek.
i remember a thread from ak-jeff a couple months ago where he observed how some posters develop a condescending attitude towards christians and how that made him feel like he didn't really fit in here.
i'm sure that may have come across (unintentionally) in some of my recent threads where i've related my arrival at agnosticism/atheism.
Thanks for the post.
The freedom from dogmatism is intoxicating to me. The positions the WTS asserts and then demands of its members is suffocating, especially since they have nothing to do with anything that is either testable or proven.
Faith is the assured expectation of realities though not beheld. The WTS wants credulity and capitulation, not faith. This forum has certainly enabled me to think, broaden my mind, and do so with, if you pardon the pun, an open mind. Any man who speaks before having heard the whole matter is stupid. The WTS should follow that advice from the Bible. How can any one know anything without hearing the many things that are to be said? So what if it takes a life time.
More FEARmongering.....
by R.F. ini've missed meetings consistently for about 2 months now.
my ex-fiancee just left a energy-filled voicemail.
she said........... "please come back to the meetings!
I am happy for you that you have seen things in the Borg for what they are. The WTS has used fear to entice recruits and retain its members. Living in fear is no way to live. "A coward dies a thousand times....The valiant taste of death but once." Julius Ceaser, By W. Shakepeare.
As a Christian, I have learned that fear is actually a sin against God. The expression Have no Fear appears dozens of time in the new Testament alone, often from Christ himself. Love throws fear outside.
Do not be afraid, my friend. Live a life of your own purpose and do good to others. JW's merely hope to "survive." God wants us to LIVE! You are on the right road to choosing well.
Do you know how strong you all are?
by jgnat ini'm thinking this morning at the enormous effort required to leave the witnesses.
that you all found your way here is amazing.
you are a select group of strong people, who will not allow life or any organization to knock you down.
Thanks for the post. While still in and very active I would wonder how anyone could ever leave the Truth? It seemed to me like stepping out into the vacuum of space to be lost and listless forever. I am glad so many had the courage, the smarts, the will power to leave and to let it be known why they left. Thanks to Freeminds, and Ray, and JWD I was able to see for myself what the Road Less Traveled was and why it was. Thanks all.
Do any Christians here still believe that ARMAGEDDON is real?
by nicolaou in.
if so, what do you think will happen when it comes?.
My personal feeling is that Armageddon will be God's final conquest over Evil. What form or shape that takes is any one's guess. I beleive it is his last act of straighteneing up the Universe. I don't worry about it. I didn't screw things up, and it isn't my responsibility to straighten things out.
What If Artificial Intelligence Never comes?
by metatron in
i wonder....... speaking hypothetically, suppose that science is never able to create artificial .
I think scientific progress is wonderful, but it misses the point many times. For instance, any human being with an IQ of 60 or less is considered an idiot. He needs help. He makes poor decisions. He is incapable of problem solving beyond his conditioned and simplistic learning. Yet, he is fully a human being and fully concious, and yet we lable him as something less than what we ourselves are.
If a machine could operate, think, interact, and feel like any human being with such a low IQ, we would be astounded by this "miracle" of science, yet we tend to discard the very same human being as something less, a burden on us, a blight on our kind.
I love science. But it has no soul, man.
As for smart machines, they really are all around us. If they expected to mimic a human being, then I do not beleive they ever will. A human making another human is possible---- you just got to like the infant stage of development.
Good thread. I always enjoy your subjects.