JoinedTopics Started by ARoarer
144 thousand
by jody inhey i need help.
i am stuck trying to explain when the 144 thousand without any refference material.
i am stuck in a remote lacal debating a couple of things and this topice came up.
Watchtower Study - July 29
by hippikon indo not become forgetful hearers .
unlike the israelites in the wilderness, je-hovahs people today enjoy gods approval.
they have become forgetful hearers.
POLL - Elders vs Molesters
by Amazing ini wish to conduct a legitimate poll, or at least as legitimate as it can get on this forum.
unless you are or were a jw, please do not respond or make comments.
please simply give an answer, without extended comments.
by ARoarer ini have been reading from other bibles and comparing them to the wt.
translation in the nwt and found it interesting that the information that they use in the reasoning book regarding apostates is taken from jude and the experience of korah with moses.
it seems they use this scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the society is compared to korah speaking against moses.
Are Pedophiles Knocking At Your Door?
by silentlambs inthe following are ads to place in your local paper to help get the word out regarding molestation issues within the watchtower organization.
we ask that you do not add any further information other than what is listed here as we wish the message to be uniform.. any suggestions can be sent to info@silentlambs and will be considered.
1.. are pedophiles knocking on your door?.
by bonnie38 ini wonder what the percentage is of ex-jws who become involved in other organized religions.
i had a discussion with a psychiatrist friend recently.
he told me that i am a "psychiatric anamoly," that most "devout" people who leave a religion will join another and become as devout in their new religion.
are you sitting down?........PRINCE is a JW!!!!!
by lisaBObeesa inhello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
thoughts about miscarriage
by silentlambs ini remember the date, may 15, 1991, it was the date my wife miscarried and a young life was lost.
there was no funeral, few remarks of support.
i will never forget the remark of my mother, well it never was really a baby after all.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
by Wounded Heart inused to be called multiple personality disorder (mpd).. i have it.
i was physically, emotionally, sexually abused.
the tramas in my life were so great that i split into many.