JoinedTopics Started by BritBoy
When do dubs learn?
by BritBoy ingood monday morning to you all!.
some of you may remember my post a couple of days ago about my dub friend who i raised the issue of the un with.
well i shall call her c. c is a large girl to say the least.
Told a JW friend about UN story...
by BritBoy ini phoned a friend of mine this evening.
we keep in touch at least once a week and her and her sister (both jw's) have been to visit us for the weekend several times now.
i took the chance and brought up the un thing with her... her immediate reaction?
Posh Spice Joke
by BritBoy inrather cruel, but amusing non the less!.
victoria beckham and her driver were cruising along a country road.
evening when a cow ran in front of the car.. the driver tried to avoid it but couldn't - the cow was killed.. posh told her driver to go up to the farmhouse and explain to the.
Out out damn spot (Defenders of the Borg)!
by BritBoy inwhy oh why oh why are there defenders of the wts posting and participating on an apostate website?!
surely the borg, correct me if i am wrong, tells (us)you to stay away from anything apostate.
to treat it with the disdain it deserves... so why?, i ask you, are you participating?
Can you be Df'ed without a JC?
by BritBoy inas most of you know, i quietly left the borg and moved countries.
recently i heard from an ex jw back in my former country of residence that she had heard i had been df'ed and it was announced at a meeting... can they do this?
if it is true that is!
Dear Dr. Laura Schlesinger (& Jay Dubs)
by BritBoy inold-ish one, but still very amusing!!!.
background: .
laura schlesinger is a us radio personality who dispenses advice .
All say it with me:"Shake the shackles off...
by BritBoy init seems to me that this board of late is on fire!!
almost every post has little fires burning outside it.
what is going on, volatile posts and replies?
Fashion tips from GatoCat!!!
by BritBoy ingato!!.
thank you for your reply on my last post!!
just one thing though.. i don't have a diana ross wig... i have a blonde sort of slapper wig... i think that may be too over the top!
Going to a meeting after 6 years...
by BritBoy injust some suggestions really!
i would like to attend a meeting at the kh down the road with my boyfriend as he has never had any dealngs with the dubs and is intereted as to what they do so thought it an idea to take him to a meeting... now my questions are these... what should we wear?
i don't have a brown suit anymore... and all my ties are rather flashy... also is there a smoking section in the hall these days?
Am I going to be Df'ed, should I be?
by BritBoy ini am an ex jw and i just left quietly.
i was in bethel and started seeing huge holes in the borg.
i was also a non practicing homosexual (undeclared at the time).