JoinedTopics Started by finishedmystery
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
What's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives?
by Rattigan350 inwhat's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives on the jan 2025 w that is being studied today?.
is there a point to that?.
3 Elders in Brazil sentenced for disfellowshipping announcement
by liam in12 days ago 3 elders in brazil were sentenced for disfellowship announcement which is against the law in certain parts of brazil.
the first article discusses that.
the second article discusses the outcome so far.
Did Watchtower Really Teach That Armageddon Was Coming in 1954?
by Jerome56 inin the march 2025 jw broadcast david splane in his morning worship talk mentioned that "some thought" that armageddon would come 40 years after 1914. such statements are usually meant to shift the blame of their own false predictions on to their members for speculating.
however, i was unable to find anything in print showing that such a thing was indeed taught by the society.
was this really a thing?.
Will They Change the Memorial Talk This Year?
by raymond frantz in
i’m hoping the memorial talk will be different.
change the talk!
What are some of the more exceptional self-authenticating claims made by Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 inlet's start the ball rolling with two connected claims.. the religion of jehovah’s witnesses is the one true religion.
all other religions are satanic, including all the churches of christendom..
New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!
by WingCommander ini swear, you can't make this shit up!
for years and years growing up in this cult, i had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth.
" of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning elduhzzzz who ran and lorded it out over the congregations, but i digress.
Beroean Pickets - Is there a problem?
by BoogerMan inhaving watched the latest offering from beroean pickets - - i contributed the following factual information along with several consolidating scriptures:.
"naos - metaphorically the spiritual temple consisting of the saints of all ages joined together by and in christ,
of a company of christians, a christian church, as dwelt in by the spirit of god.
What Theme Song Should Be Played When You Walk Into a Room?
by Sea Breeze inthis could fun.
what song should be played when you walk into a room that best describes you?