Topics Started by YERU2
So I was put in the back of a police car....
by Mimilly inoops.... should start at the beginning of a story shouldn't i!
i've been lower than a serpent's belly as of late.
finances just got a whole lot worse; argued 5 times with monopolistic telephone company who took my payment (money from 'hubby') yet didn't re-connect me; went searching for my resume on hubby's computer and found child porn instead.
TOP 10 LIST - First Week at Bethel
by joeshmoe in.
top ten things you learn your first week at bethel: .
10. the average guy you're taking orders from is 50 yrs old and has never kissed a girl.. 9. all the suggestion boxes have been converted to donation boxes.. 8. after watching 'weekend at bernie's,' it dawns on you that all the gb are actually dead.. 7. the definition of a cult: running through the streets at 6:59am in shirt and tie.. 6. the only graffiti in the bathroom stalls are masturbation tips.. 5. the guys in the writing department sell some kick ass marijuana.. 4. no one thinks your fake malawi party card is funny.. 3. for a good time, call 1-900-ted-jarecz.. 2. the private parking pavilion is for un members only.. ...and the number one thing you (should) learn your first week at bethel.... 1. without two witnesses, jr brown can't prove you sodomized him with a baseball bat.
BapDismal talk at Distric Assembly
by Jourles inoh joy of joys!
thank god this last weekend is over.
what a complete waste of a good weather weekend.
Another day in Israel
by Yerusalyim inanother day in israel, another terrorist bombing kills 16 innocent civilians on their way to work.
another day where the critics of israel are silent in the face of the violence and hatred of the arabs.
another day when amnesty international and all the other left wingers ignore the fact that innocent israelis are dying.
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis inthere are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
Amazing Survived Major Heart Attack
by AlanF ini just spoke on the phone to amazing (jim whitney) who is in intensive care in a chicago hospital.
on monday he had a major heart attack, had a stint put in an artery to unblock things and may have bypass surgery.
he's comfortable enough right now, but of course will have to make some big lifestyle changes.
What To Say To The Next JWs At Your Door?
by TR inhouseholder: hey, you are the people from that religion that hides pedophiles, aren't you?.
'hovah: whaaa?
hh: yeah, i saw "dateline" the other night on how 'hovahs protect sexual deviants.. 'hovah: well, you can't believe....... hh: no, no, i did some research after watching the show, now the wts is synonymous with corruption, deceit, slander, death, suffering, and the like.. 'hovah: well i uh, don't know about, uh, any problems, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!.
Bible Error: Where Did King Josiah Die?
by JosephAlward injosiah, king of judah (640-609 b.c.
), was installed as king at the age of eight.
josiah attempted to restore the kingdom of david and was opposed by pharaoh necho of egypt in a battle at megiddo.