Topics Started by rebel
by rebel ini have never tried to hurt anyone in my life.
i have always tried to love others from my own childhood upbringing.. i have been treated like a traitor.
everything i said was twisted.
Are observers allowed on Judicial Committee ? (WT Letter)
by caspian inaccording to the pay attention book no observers are allowed.
how ever please note what a paragraph from the following letter says.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
to all circuit and district overseers may 6 2002 page 3 para 2.. assisting elders with judicial matters.. while it is best for a travelling overseer not to serve on judicial committees, he can assist by being an advisor when needed.
Do you think the BIBLE is complete ? is it possible some books are missing
by run dont walk ini mentioned this on a thread,.
now let's say for the sake of arguement, that the bible is not complete, maybe missing a couple books or maybe just some chapters and verses.. would this throw off the supposed timeline of the jw's, for example, their 1914 theory, creative days, lenghth of a day, anything to do with dates or time related.. it seems to me that the watchtower spends a lot of time coming up with years of importance.. if the bible is incomplete, how can they be sure of any calculations at all ???.
is the bible complete ???.
new book: Jehovah's Witnesses for Dummies
by Ravyn in.
ok---so should i just leave it blank or try to write something between the cover pages?.
My last post.
by KGB inthis is my final and very last post after this i will not return here as someone here made something clear to me.
my faith in god and jesus christ cannot and i will not tolerate others who do not believe to attempt to stumble me or change my mind at all.
my faith stands strong and true and none of you can do nothing to change it.. gods word say "do not cast your pearls before swine".
Let the shunning begin!
by Cicatrix inboy, this has just been my lucky week.
twice in one week i was the recipient of "active shunning" by former congregation members.. scene one-the local discount food place where all the blue collar folks (and a few smart upper crust ones) buy their food.
i'm busy grocery shopping and sister zealous comes marching down the other side of the aisle, dutifully studying the cans on said shelf.
What 5 songs MOST remind you of your time as a teen..?
by ScoobySnax inok, being the 80's teen i goes.... 5. milli vanilli.
girl you know its true (g g g girl!!).
4. wham young guns (go for it!).