Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?

by reniaa 407 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reniaa

    Hello outlaw lets examine the question you want me to answer,

    Would you rather follow the example of the Angels in the Bible and celebrate the Birth of Jesus?..Or..A multi Billion dollar Publishing Company(WBT$) that is caught in lie`s on a regular basis and tells it`s followers not to celebrate the Birth of Jesus?

    now read the following

    Loaded question

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    Many questions, also known as complex question, presupposition, loaded question, "trick question", or plurium interrogationum (Latin, "of many questions"), is an informal fallacy or logical fallacy. [1] It is committed when someone asks a question that presupposes something that has not been proven or accepted by all the people involved. This fallacy is often used rhetorically, so that the question limits direct replies to those that serve the questioner's agenda. [1] An example of this is the question "Are you still beating your wife?" Whether the respondent answers yes or no, he will admit to having a wife, and having beaten her at some time in the past. Thus, these facts are presupposed by the question, and in this case an entrapment, because it narrows the respondent to a single answer, and the fallacy of many questions has been committed. [1]

    Firstly you are presupposing that by celebrating jesus birth by celebrating christmas I would be following the example of angels, and as I've already said I do not agree with you on this one, they were just rejoicing at a one off event,

    Now lets look at your second presupposition that the company is lying and you say birth of christ again even knowing that Dec 25th is proven not to be the birth of christ.

    Basically I reject your whole loaded question as a logical fallacy therefore will not answer it and that Outlaw is the only answer you will get from me till you stop asking loaded questions with a view to tricking people!!!!!!


  • jaguarbass

    I deffinitely dont believe the JW's.

    And much of the bible is unbelievable also.

    Some of the bible is true, some of its not.

    I dont know if you should live your life by a book you have to rummage through sifting for the gold.

    Truth is where you find it.

    Proverbs 15:1 Says an answer when mild, turns away rage. That seems pretty true and demonstrateable.

    Matt 21:12 says And all things you ask for in prayer, believing, you shall recieve.

    Thats pretty untrue and also demonstrateable.

    So what do you believe?

  • penny2

    Back to the original question - both. I have no belief. And I'm OK with it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Hi, Reniaa!

    I don't believe in the Bible or JW religion. I believe in the Wiccan Rede, which is the Golden Rule. That part I believe in. I like the Jesus character, not that I believe that he actually existed as the Bible says. I don't believe that one needs anything more than the Rede or Golden Rule to live good lives.


    Reniaa..You ignore The Bible,the Dictionary and the Thesaurus......The celebration of the Birth of Jesus "was" a one of a kind event.Jesus was only born once..LOL!!......My questions were aimed at the Birth of Jesus and what happened at that time.Not the date of Jesus`s Birth.Read my post to you..........The WBT$ does lie,by saying there is no basis for the celebration of the Birth of Jesus.The Bible "does" prove them to be Liars.The Bible says "The Angels rejoiced"...........You were the only one who has been Misleading..Trying to pass the word Celebration off,as a Party..When actually "Party" has no place in it`s definition..Even your last post to me is misdirecting and misleading.........My questions are neither Loaded nor a Trick...............It`s plain to see you value the Words of the WBT$,over the Words of the Bible..It only took 12 pages on your own thread to prove it..LOL!!........I have no more questions for you,just the ones I asked you to answer..You did just fine..We all know where you stand now...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Satanus

    If it was a cause for celebration one time by angels, of all beings, then what would be the problem w humans commemorating it anually? Overlaying it on a pagan celebration was a master stroke. And all in the name of jeezis.


  • White Dove
    White Dove


    That's Geezis Crisp, to you! Hehehe!

  • Satanus


    It wasn't me who said that;)


  • cameo-d

    Matt 21:12 says And all things you ask for in prayer, believing, you shall recieve.

    Thats pretty untrue and also demonstrateable.

    So what do you believe?

    Maybe you are not asking for the right things. Maybe your focus is not on spiritual understanding. Or maybe prayer was meant to be a "visualization" technique.

    Makes me think of that old joke.."Lord, drop a brick." Pretty boy Osteen has got people believing that pennies really do fall from heaven.

    Besides, maybe you been praying to the wrong god. I damn sure wouldn't ask Jehovah for nothing. He has tricked every one he has dealt with. Promised Moses the land of milk and honey...after wandering in circles for 40 years he finally let moses "see" it...but couldn't touch it. Promised Abraham wife to have children and then like a freak she gets pg when it's time to die of old age. Promised Sampson strength but he had to wear his hair like a woman when the laws specifically forbid cross dressing and impersonation. That must have been humiliating. heck, if I were deliah I wouln't want to date a guy with his hair in a bun. and there's lots more jokes jehovah played on people.

  • LisaAnn

    Eyes Open,

    I tried to read that steven McKenzie book but I'm not sure how to download it. It sounds quite interesting.


    I forgot to answer your question! (Thank you for answering mine.) This may sound strange, but even when I was immersed in the JWs- and I was quite immersed- I never really could bring myself to believe in the bible! Lol the opposite of most everyone else here!

    I was very uncomfortable reading the bible because it was such a violent, gory book- when it wasn't really, really boring. Whenever I studied with people I always turned their attention back to the publications because those made sense to me. I couldn't answer their questions about why god permits suffering because nobody could explain it to me sufficiently for it to make sense. But boy could I debate the
    trinity, or hellfire, or the gentile times and such. I still have my original Truth book from 1968- I loved that book from the time I was 8 years old. And I really loved the religion. It was the bible that embarrassed me.

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