You know Inkie, I don't think I can...
I have never been a personal person, and while I have come out of my shell quite a bit thanks to my Lord, I am still, at heart, very private.
Lots of things are going on in my life right now...and without My Lord I really don't know how I coudl handle them... I am sure I wpould be able to, of course, but I wonder what type of person I would be after the fact...
I have never felt so much love and joy and peace as when I hear My Lord speak...words can't do it justice.
I don't knwo why me but I do know why "now" because I asked Him,"Why now? where we you before?"
And his answer was, " I always answered, I always spoke, you just listned more to the noise than to me, the noise of anger, hate, pain, judgement, so I let you listen to what you wanted to hear, I will never force you to listen to me, I will never stop loving you just because you choose not to listen, but I will always be there and will never leave you".
I recall I once said that it would have been easier for me if He had spoken louder and He replied, " "because you listen so well when others hsout at you?".
It is quite painful to read what I read here, I think that is why I am takin a break.
I can't put into words the pain I felt when I tried to explain this to my Mom who is a JW, the painful and hurtful things she said...
Sometimes I wish I had never heard His, I don't mean that, I am just's just really hard sometimes, that's all.