Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    You know Inkie, I don't think I can...

    I have never been a personal person, and while I have come out of my shell quite a bit thanks to my Lord, I am still, at heart, very private.

    Lots of things are going on in my life right now...and without My Lord I really don't know how I coudl handle them... I am sure I wpould be able to, of course, but I wonder what type of person I would be after the fact...

    I have never felt so much love and joy and peace as when I hear My Lord speak...words can't do it justice.

    I don't knwo why me but I do know why "now" because I asked Him,"Why now? where we you before?"

    And his answer was, " I always answered, I always spoke, you just listned more to the noise than to me, the noise of anger, hate, pain, judgement, so I let you listen to what you wanted to hear, I will never force you to listen to me, I will never stop loving you just because you choose not to listen, but I will always be there and will never leave you".

    I recall I once said that it would have been easier for me if He had spoken louder and He replied, " "because you listen so well when others hsout at you?".

    It is quite painful to read what I read here, I think that is why I am takin a break.

    I can't put into words the pain I felt when I tried to explain this to my Mom who is a JW, the painful and hurtful things she said...

    Sometimes I wish I had never heard His, I don't mean that, I am just's just really hard sometimes, that's all.

  • watersprout

    Oh Psac!!!! I need to hug you.... So it will be a virtual one...... **Hugs**

    Your experience was truly wonderful and my heart aches that your mom responded the way she did. Thank you soo much for sharing.

    All of us that ''hear'' find it hard sometimes but the rewards out way the hard times.

    I will always be there and will never leave you".

    Our Lord always says that to me when life overwhelms me. Oh no i have tears streaming down my face... I really need tissue.


  • watersprout

    Get better soon Shel Mwah.

    I'v got a poorly cold and cough to, feeling very sorry for myself. The cadbury creme easter egg is helping me though! Lol


  • Girlie

    God speaks to me through the scriptures, by way of a person with an answer to my question or for comfort when I need it, through his creative works, by intuitively giving me the thoughts and plans I need to accomplish tasks I set forth for myself.

  • AGuest

    It IS... challenging, even difficult, sometimes, dear PSacto. You know I... no, ALL who hear face "difficulty." Be of good cheer, though and remember our Lord's encouragement to "Have courage!"... and "conquer." I know you know what I mean.. peace to you... and may JAH bless! YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ, Shel

  • lovelylil


    Thank you very much for your curtious response to my little rant. I sort of regretted in after I hit submit. Next time I will type it, pause and then maybe hit delete.

    I opologize to you and other atheists if I sounded like I was saying you do not have peace in your lives or happiness. I know that is not true. I also have friends who do not believe in the God of the bible, but are more agnostic.

    The thing that ticked me off is when I was accused of being in the JW mindset. Well, excuse me but I would never spend hours making a video that is specifically made to try and discredit someone else's belief system. Yes I am a Christian and as such I witness about Jesus Christ, but I do not go out of my way to disprove agnostic, athiests nor anyone else. People can either accept the testimony of Jesus I give or not. Christians give the testimony and that is it. We are not supposed to be condeming people who do not accept it. I know many do this, but I do not.

    To me, anyone that constantly tries to tear down another's beliefs is EXACTLY like the WT organization and should be reflecting the mirror back onto themselves.

    Anyway, thanks for grounded me back to reality. I know there are nice people, even athiests out there respectful of all views.


    So sorry if you found this thread upsetting. I often struggle too with this forum. I leave for long periods of time and then come back hoping to have different discussions other then the whole God/Athieism debate constantly on every thread. But things never change no matter how long I am away. Some people cannot understand how people can leave the WT and still remain Christian, but many of us do and we find tremendous peace with it. I wish you the best whatever you decide to do. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Peace, Lilly

  • myelaine

    dear lovelylil...

    you said: "To me, anyone that constantly tries to tear down another's beliefs is EXACTLY like the WT organization and should be reflecting the mirror back onto themselves."

    isn't that EXACTLY what Jesus did before He started to build up His church on the Truth?

    love michelle

  • lovelylil


    I was addressing the athiests on the forum who are constantly trying to tear down christianity. I was wondering what their motives are? Since they say they are secure in their lives without God. Then why focus on him so much?

    I am fully aware of my responsibility to teach the truth about Christ, but that repsonsibility is for those who wish to learn, not those who wish to get into empty debates with me. But thanks for your comments. Lilly

  • watersprout
    I sort of regretted in after I hit submit. Next time I will type it, pause and then maybe hit delete.

    We were never allowed a voice in the Watchtower, so vent. It's very soothing. I vent enough on here. Sometimes i do hit delete. lol

    It's pointless feeling regret because then you are locked in the past. We all say and do things... If we hurt someone then it's best to apologise and move on. I have experienced soo much guilt, regret etc in the past and all it does is damage you. I know what you mean and i do understand about the JW comment. My friends are all atheists and whenever God comes up [with the ex dubs] the jw's are in the same sentance. Does infuriate me.


  • snowbird


    Blessings and peace to you.


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