Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you

by jam 210 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    My BIL once jokingly said to my hubby, "Remember when mama beat your ass with that fan belt Michael (the middle son) went out and found cuz mama's billy club broke?".

    I didn't find it to be funny.

    C, I'm only taking your comments to me with the spirit you intend. I would advise you put your focus elsewhere.

  • cofty

    You are free to ignore my reasonable question MrsJones but there are plenty other people participating in this interesting thread.

  • mrsjones5

    Granted, you are ignored from now on. Do as you will.

  • cedars

    I can see this is an extremely difficult subject to discuss, because people are emotionally invested in whether spanking is right or wrong - especially when they have their own family members (and the treatment thereof) to consider. However, Cofty raises an intriguing question, and I would love to know what the difference is between spanking a child and spanking an adult with learning difficulties. It's a profound question, maybe only an expert or professional psychologist could answer?


  • cofty

    MrsJones - Are you actually trying to undermine the forum with all this pettiness? Pathetic.

    I am convinced the only reason it is tolerated by society is tradition that is underpinned by the bible.

    One day soon we will look back and wonder.


    Spare the Rod and..

    You can`t go Fishing..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • 144001

    "when does the rod become abusive???"

    When it is used at all. Using violence to raise your children is abusive, no matter the degree of violence utilized.

    "was my mom crazy or brainless ? I beg to differ"

    I'm not surprised that you "differ" from my opinion on the issue, given that you've already stated that you used corporal punishment as part of raising your children. But that doesn't change the fact that corporal punishment is a brainless, lazy way to discipline your children that is also harmful to them.

  • jam

    Thankful I wasn,t born into A abusive family.

    So sorry to hear all the sad stories, the abusiveness.

    I received two spankings as A child.

    One, I tried burning down our store (8yrs. old)

    After my big brother pulled me down from the tree,

    my Mom spank with A switch on my legs, she holding

    me with one hand and I running around in A circle.

    The second time, I wrote graffiti (words I learn in scholl)

    all over the front of the house. My Dad got me that time

    with A belt.

    Curious, how would you handle A little brat like me?

  • jam

    I may add I did not have any mental problems as

    A child, never got into any trouble in my teens or as

    an adult, except becoming A JW.

  • wasblind

    I'm not surprised that you "differ" from my opinion on the issue, given that you've already stated that you used corporal punishment as part of raising your children. But that doesn't change the fact that corporal punishment is a brainless, lazy way to discipline your children that is also harmful to them.

    Yes, I did use it when I saw fit, my daughter is now a grown woman

    I dispensed her punishment the way mine was given to me and the words

    that would accompany that discipline was " Didn't I tell you not to do that , why did you do it "

    No derogatory name calling . just questions that she didn't answer

    Yes corporal punishment can become a lazy and brainless way to disipline

    when you neglect to teach your child the things they need to know

    I was taught, but did not always listen

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