Why do people pretend good things about Jesus ?

by mP 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    I don't recognize any of them... at least not as they are worded.

    Hmmm, you mean like the parable of the "Faithful and Wise Slave", which was actually a warning to the slave who misused his master's assets, and hence could expect to be disciplined within an inch of death at the end of his master's punishing rod?

    You mean the slave that begins to beat and abuse his fellow slaves? Who is deemed a hypocrite, and assigned a place with them (as opposed to being assigned a place in his master's kingdom)... where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    My God, when will the incessant, mind-numbingly wretched use of circular logic cease? How do you get off this ride?....KS

    This merry-go-round has been going round in circles for 2,000 years plus. Ican't see it stopping any time soon, Those who 'want' to believe will grasp at any straw thrown in their direction if it supports anything they say. Belief allows you to sift through other beliefs and choose what you like. No reason needed.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Tam said:

    You mean the slave that begins to beat and abuse his fellow slaves? Who is deemed a hypocrite, and assigned a place with them (as opposed to being assigned a place in his master's kingdom)... where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?

    What principle is being shown there?

    Here's an idea: the owner of the slaves should've released them BEFORE he left on his trip, citing the Gospel according to Tamothy 1:1:

    1:1 "If you don't want to be enslaved, then do not enslave anyone else. If you want to be free, then grant others their freedom."

    Then no one would beat anyone, and they could all live happily ever after!

    Yeah, unfortunately the Book of Tamothy didn't make the cut in the canonization process.... Sorry, but you're stuck with Jesus, issuing threats of physical violence to slaves who don't listen to their masters! What a champion of human rights Jesus is!

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    the Book of Tamothy


  • tec

    Sol, you changed your post... I responded to the other one.

    tammy, where you getting confused is that people armagedon isnt taking action to fix problems. Its genocide. Its killing anyone who dosent do things gods way.

    This is a jw (and perhaps other fundamental/christian) understanding of armageddon. That does not make it accurate. All you have to do is read the account to see that Satan misleads (gog and magog) into riding across the earth TO DESTROY. They aren't just not doing things God's way. They are setting out to destroy those who ARE doing things 'god's way'

    What some are suggesting is that if god is all powerfull he should be able to answer, not just silly prayers

    about who is right in an internet argument, but really be effective in solving the problems of men, aside from killing those who you think are the problem.

    Has nothing to do with who I think is the problem.

    He cannot be effective in solving the problems of men if the men are not willing to heed him... and as long as men are going to continue to cause those problems. At least, not without taking away man's freedom... which is one of the worst evils that man has fought against throughout history. People taking their freedom from them.

    The people riding against the kingdom and people within it... are the ones seeking to TAKE freedom.

    It would appear some will do anything to win an argument...even twisting the meaning of others words...so they are unrecognisable by the person who said them...and then denying the intent to do just that.

    Oh, don't i know it, lol.

    But again, if i mistook you, please correct me.

    You think he should stop all those causing suffering now (regardless of the fact that it is not him causing it, and people simply continue to do so), and condemn him for not doing so.

    So... by those words (imo)... you must not have a problem with him stopping those who cause suffering later.

    (his methods perhaps... though I would suggest that none of us know those... and that if there was another way, He would know it, not us)



  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    the Book of Tamothy


    Yeah, I think Tams thinks she was there.... The 13th disciple (maybe she thinks she was the GF of Philip, the quiet, shy one with the Ringo haircut).

  • tec

    Here's an idea: the owner of the slaves should've released them BEFORE he left on his trip, citing the Gospel according to Tamothy 1:1:

    Is THAT what you're going on about?

    Now what makes you think they weren't free to leave anytime they wanted? Neither God nor Christ makes anyone serve them. Choose... or do not choose.

    It would mean the same if the word was 'servant' (and it is in many versions). But the meaning is the same.

    The POINT is NOT to abuse the trust given you; NOT to beat others who belong to your master and/or lord yourself over them. Because they do not belong to YOU; but to Christ and God. And He IS going to return and call you to account for how you have treated these others.

    (such as the pharisees... or the WTS... or any other servant of Christ who beats/abuses/burdens down those who belong to Him)



  • still thinking
    still thinking
    But again, if i mistook you, please correct me.
    You think he should stop all those causing suffering now (regardless of the fact that it is not him causing it, and people simply continue to do so), and condemn him for not doing so.
    So... by those words (imo)... you must not have a problem with him stopping those who cause suffering later.

    Consider yourself corrected...while you continue to put meaning into my words.

    I have given examples of how he could stop some suffering now...and I am not even god. I'm sure he could come up with something even better to help people than waiting.....and destruction.

    regardless of the fact that it is not him causing it, and people simply continue to do so....see this is adding to what I said and has nothing whatsoever to do with him not helping now...it is a poor excuse for watching while his followers suffer.

  • tec

    Those who belong to Him (or follow Him)... don't tend to blame him for their suffering at all. They place that blame solely on the shoulders of those causing their suffering. They insted find strength IN Him, as well as comfort and peace and hope IN him... and ease from those causing their suffering.

    I have given examples of how he could stop some suffering now...and I am not even god.

    That is correct... you are not God. You cannot see very far, or even very much. You don't know. He does know.

    Right now, we endure and find our strength in Christ.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I believe Jesus said 'ask and you will be given'...not ask....and he will answer...eventually....when the time is right.....he will destroy everyone who hurt you.

    John 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

    How many prayers go unanwered everyday? Do the math. The percentage that people 'think' are anwered are no better than the odds of taking a bet at the races.

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