Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • tootired2care

    It looks like the terrorists were Chechen born very religious Muslims.

    If Islam is supposed to be a a religion of peace, why is it constantly a common thread in so many terrorist attacks? Sure people like Tim McVeigh have done unspeakable acts of terror, but let's be honest, these cases are are very rare when compared with what we see being produced by the terrorist factory of radical Islam. If you really examine it, Islam has much in common with the cult-like ideology of Jehovah's witnesses, but goes much farther in promoting a totalitarian political agenda, which compels its followers into absolute blind obedience.

    In Islam, one is considered “moderate” if one supports the goals of jihad, if not the tactics. Those who totally reject the violent teachings of Islam are considered apostates of Islam and as such, are condemned to death. Moderate Muslims are peaceful “in spite of Islam,” not because of it. The “religion of peace” is a concept the west has adopted in the name of political correctness. When are we going to wake up and acknowledge that Islam does pose a clear and present threat to humanity?


  • dreamgolfer


    they were THUGS! - Stupid Losers (their Uncle said it!)

    Where they came from is a SmokeScreen

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea I think the label is WAAAAAAAAAAY premature, if not off target.

  • tootired2care

    I find it interesting that the perp is self-described as “very religious”. Which leads to an important question, why is it that there is case after case of individuals and groups who interpret the texts of the Qu'ran as a call to violence against others? There is a problem of authority within the ranks of Islam, there is no authority to provide the "proper interpretation", and so this problem isn't going to go away anytime soon. I've read the Qu'ran, and some of the things I read in that book are very disturbing, just like parts of the bible I suppose. When you have a cult following mindset coupled with incidious Qu'ran texts that call for violence it's going to continue to be a terrorist factory. I think Muhammad better provide a second edition, and soon.

  • dreamgolfer

    (that books was written by the same guys(s)

    Kinda like Walmart and Target - both have a similar selection

    Have you read Harry Potter? That's real disturbing too, Also the FABIO NOvels - sheeesh thats stinking scary

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Actually, (and I believe that no one up til now has been able to say these words more truthfully) I beleive they are Caucasian.

  • tootired2care

    Actually, (and I believe that no one up til now has been able to say these words more truthfully) I beleive they are Caucasian.

    "Actually" really doesn't apply here, no one stated otherwise. They were Caucasian Chechen Muslims to be precise.

  • soontobe
    It looks like the terrorists were Chechen born very religious Muslims.

    And not even US citizens, although they are registered to vote.

    How's that possible?

    Any guesses as to how they voted last November?

  • tootired2care

    And not even US citizens, although they are registered to vote.

    How's that possible?

    Because we have Janet Napalitano in charge of DHS that's how.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Tootired to give details. Can u elaborate more on your findings?

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