Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    can someone post a link. Im certainly no fan of these fucksticks who killed innocent people and maimed countless others, but so far your descriptions of actions could also be a baptist. I now a few that don't dance, listen to rock and roll, won't wear red, are apaulled at society today, and I'm not concerened about them killing anyone soon.

    I just hate the finger pointing at specific groups without solid facts.

    Too me, the one that was killed got off easy. I think both of them should have been placed near a bomb and not killed. Just living without the use of their limbs for the rest of their life

  • soontobe

    The family says Tamerlan recently became a devout Muslim.

    All the data we've got so far is very suggestive that this was an act of Islamic terrorism.

  • wha happened?
  • Simon

    Isn't religion the common thread?

  • tootired2care

    Isn't religion the common thread?

    In a broader sense, yes. But so far, I haven't seen any recent examples of Christain, Jewish, Buddist, Shinto fundamentalists, systematically trying to perform mass killings to score points with their f'd up diety. The common thread that is linked here though is Islam, and there is a problem with it.

  • soontobe
    In a broader sense, yes. But so far, I haven't seen any recent examples of Christain, Jewish, Buddist, Shinto fundamentalists, trying to perform mass killings. least not giving their religion as a rationale to kill en masse. Fundamentalism is pretty bad any way you slice it. Islamic fundamentalism, however, is often worse, because of the fundamentalist interpretation of jihad doctrines.

  • Simon
    But so far, I haven't seen any recent examples of Christain, Jewish, Buddist, Shinto fundamentalists, trying to perform mass killings.

    That's in part because of the media we have which pre-selects the news and viewpoint. I agree that some of those you name are defintely more 'pacifist' and less involved with violence but Christian and Jewish? I think you start getting into having to define 'terrorism'. When a bomb drops on a wedding and kills 50 people, women and children, isn't that terrorism? I'd imagine the survivors see it as such.

    I'm not saying I think Muslims are the greatest religion and peaceful, I just think religion as a whole is a blight on humanity and hope we continue to evolve past it.

  • tootired2care

    I just think religion as a whole is a blight on humanity and hope we continue to evolve past it.

    I could not agree with that point more strongly. But I think to move on from this blight on our species, we have to stop the politically correct BS and stop referring to Islam as a religion of peace when it is clearly not; because all this ends up doing is perpetuating the idea that it is somehow a force for good in the world.

  • soontobe
    That's in part because of the media we have which pre-selects the news and viewpoint. I agree that some of those you name are defintely more 'pacifist' and less involved with violence but Christian and Jewish? I think you start getting into having to define 'terrorism'. When a bomb drops on a wedding and kills 50 people, women and children, isn't that terrorism? I'd imagine the survivors see it as such.
    When a bomb drops on a wedding and kills 50 people, women and children, isn't that terrorism? I'd imagine the survivors see it as such.

    But you are muddying things, Simon. One thing is to belong to a religion and kill for other reasons. Having the religion as the reason for killing is a different thing. U.S., Canada, UK, etc has killed overseas. But it has not done so in the name of any religion. It has done so for other reasons.

  • Simon
    It has not done so in the name of any religion. It has done so for other reasons.

    When the president says "god told him to invade" and uses the word "crusade", they put encoded christian messages on rifles and the head of a military agency says his christian mission is to destroy islam then I think other people could be excused for seeing otherwise.

    They see things how we see things - through a filter of biased media reporting.

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