Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    That's THE problem, tootired. We're afraid of political correctness and cannot therefore call Islam anything but a religion of is not. If we all just admitted that Muslims WANT to kill "infidels", that would get us through 90% of the problem. But because of political correctness, we'll never get there....

    Sorry, just calling as it is...

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    To your point Simon...if they had been successful in destroying Islam, we would not be having this discussion today.

  • tootired2care

    Granted the Nato powers don't always get military targets correct, but they don't deliberately go after innocent civilian targets, I think that is a key point of distinction. To me it shows the mindset of those who zealously apply the letter of the Qu'ran that they don't value human life in any way shape or form, unless it's within the rigid boundaries of the Sharia law.

  • RubaDub

    If Islam allowed people to stop at the neighborhood pub and put down several pints of brew on the way home from work, they would have a less hostile attitude.

    Take alcohol out of Bethel and see how hostile things would get.

    In Islam you can't drink and your women walk around with Hefty bags over their heads. I'd be miserable too.

    Rub a Dub

  • tootired2care

    What he said ^

    I think that Islam could take a lesson from the Catholic Church and assemble something like the Council of Nicea where they water down the Qu'ran and make it okay to chill out a bit, and not take things so god damned literally.

  • Simon
    if they had been successful in destroying Islam, we would not be having this discussion today

    Doesn't that excuse their attempts to kill Christians then? We also wouldn't then be having this discussion (or they wouldn't be having the flip side).

    If you think destroying islam is acceptable then you have to accept that their attempting to destroy Christianity is equally valid.

    I don't believe either are: the only way we'll rid this world of religious nutters being a danger to themselves and others is to -stop- killing and to educate people. Take away the reasons to hate and the hate may just go away. It's less exciting and dramatic and won't win anyone any elections but it is the only way.

  • Simon
    Granted the Nato powers don't always get military targets correct, but they don't deliberately go after innocent civilian targets, I think that is a key point of distinction

    Yes, I noticed the careful choice of words by the president when he said "target" instead of "kill" when labelling the boston bombing an act of terror.

    The problem is, to the friends, family and relatives of those killed through carelessness or mistakes there really is no difference.

    "hey, it's OK ... we didn't mean to blow them up ! Be happy !"

    What do people expect will happen when they drop a bomb on a crowd of people?

    Trying to solve fighting through more fighting is like drinking to end drunkeness.

  • ballistic

    "Also, considering their beef with Russia is well documented,"

    They can have beef with Russia, it's just the Pork they are so upset about.

  • Simon

    The point I'm trying to make is that military efforts to stop religious conflicts are NEVER going to work and only serve to perpetuate the issues and make them worse.

    For the military machine, this is exactly what they want - lots of sales and profit to be made.

    But if the general public want to be able to live in a peaceful society then we cannot and should not keep going down that worn out path.

    Look at Northern Ireland ... the killing didn't stop until people said enough and "we forgive you". I can't imagine how difficult that would be but it's the price of peace.

  • d

    Islam is a religion of peace.Their are only a few muslim extremists.

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