I did not slaughter any Native Americans, nor has anyone I know done so. I never killed Jews and others in concentration camps. I despise the way subjugated peoples were treated all through time: Being sold as slaves, murdered, raped, but so much of that is past history that DOES NOT have to reflect on how we who are alive chose to behave now. My one relative was Danton, he sent many a Frenchman to the guillotine. Should I have to pay for what he did two hundred years ago? No. That is the stuff that make up crazy tribal wars like in Bosnia and Rwanda.
When I see Americans race to the aid of bombing victims or lifting off a stage that seriously wounded people at a fair when it collapsed, complete strangers, Americans sending huge resources to earthquake victims the world over, racing against time to save people from their cold dark tombs, opening their homes to strangers made homeless by natural disasters, it makes me cheer. I'm glad I'm allowed to vote, drive a car, not have to have a male relative with me when I'm in public. Yes, I am very thankful to be here.