Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • PaintedToeNail

    I did not slaughter any Native Americans, nor has anyone I know done so. I never killed Jews and others in concentration camps. I despise the way subjugated peoples were treated all through time: Being sold as slaves, murdered, raped, but so much of that is past history that DOES NOT have to reflect on how we who are alive chose to behave now. My one relative was Danton, he sent many a Frenchman to the guillotine. Should I have to pay for what he did two hundred years ago? No. That is the stuff that make up crazy tribal wars like in Bosnia and Rwanda.

    When I see Americans race to the aid of bombing victims or lifting off a stage that seriously wounded people at a fair when it collapsed, complete strangers, Americans sending huge resources to earthquake victims the world over, racing against time to save people from their cold dark tombs, opening their homes to strangers made homeless by natural disasters, it makes me cheer. I'm glad I'm allowed to vote, drive a car, not have to have a male relative with me when I'm in public. Yes, I am very thankful to be here.

  • PaintedToeNail

    tal-We are not Pretending to be better, we are better, we have recognized the problems of dehumanizing half the population and STARTED to make changes in the right direction. No forced marriages, children can testify in court against their attacker, advocates in charge of the victimized kids looking out for their interests. Is it a perfect system? It is not, but it is a start. If a woman is killed by her partner in this country it is a major crime. Not just another day lala land. The police investigate and turn their findings into the office of the prosecutor, the prosecutor peruses the info and forwards it on to the court. The court tries the offender by a jury of their peers. That doesn't happen for women in Islam, now does it?

  • tootired2care

    We are not Pretending to be better, we are better, we have recognized the problems of dehumanizing half the population and STARTED to make changes in the right direction. No forced marriages, children can testify in court against their attacker, advocates in charge of the victimized kids looking out for their interests.

    It's true.

  • talesin

    I do feel your belief in the 'perfection' of life in North America is sugar-coated, but can agree to disagree. It's hard to articulate in this forum, but the essence of what I'm saying is that yeah, we PRETEND we are better, but I have worked in youth shelters, with the homeless, mentally ill, and other venues, and I think we are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

    For every story of someone who escaped their abusive husband, or (hahaha) testified in court against their rapist,,, there at least a thousand more who are living on the street, in shelters, and being raped, beaten and murdered by their partners. Our society is full of shameless hypocrites ... the poor are starving, there is no work,,, I just wish ppl would SEE the truth ... ppl dying because of no medical insurance ... living with no heat and running water in states like Michigan and Louisiana ... the list goes on and on ... while we are fed the lie that we live in SUCH a great place ... well, each to their own.

    I prefer to have my eyes WIDE OPEN about the double standards that exist in our North American culture.

    No offense meant, (((Painted))). I celebrate your freedom, admire your strength, and wish you continued healing!



  • talesin

    TT2C, I get your points, too. I'm quite disillusioned, and have seen too many abuses to believe that our culture is any better than others.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I don't believe either are: the only way we'll rid this world of religious nutters being a danger to themselves and others is to -stop- killing and to educate people. Take away the reasons to hate and the hate may just go away. It's less exciting and dramatic and won't win anyone any elections but it is the only way....Simon

    I agree..

    Islamist kill more in their own citizens than they kill Americans

    Americans have killed more Islamists than Islamist have killed Americans.

    In 2008, the peer-reviewed journal, Conflict and Health , published "Iraq War Mortality Estimates: A Systematic Review," and found that the household survey method was superior to other forms of counting.

    What religion was President Bush? Can we hold that religion responsible for ALL the civilian Iraqi Men women and children that were slaughtered at his command?

    I can't personally stand religion...but, If we are going to blame an entire religion for this bombing...can we do the same with the crimes committed against innocent people in Iraq? The hatred was fuelled by the bush administration towards Al qaeda...Iraq had nothing to do with Al qaeda. Was it religious hatred? or something else....$$$$$$ The religion of corporate business.

    Will these TWO men be a good enough excuse to kill thousands of civilians in Iran or Siria or Afghanistan or anywere else, and blame their religion for their deaths? Is it an excuse for WAR?

  • new22day

    Don't confuse religious fundamentalism with democracy and the related laws of the land. Fundamentalism is a problem regardless of the faith. If Christian fundamentalists held uncontested reigns of power in the US, laws would change. And watch women's rights disappear. In fact, some US politicians recently said women should be legally forced to carry pregancies concieved by rape. Meh - no skin off their nose.

    In some Western countries homosexuals can't even legally marry. Why? Cuz the bible says it's wrong.

    (And btw: it's pretty naive to suggest 12-year old girls of fundamentalist LDS being married to adult men can simply leave or press charges. This being said on a JW forum where adults regularly express their struggles to leave the dubs. C'mon. Violence takes many forms.)

    Islam itself is not the problem. There are many peaceful Muslims. I know quite a few. Fundamentalism is a problem - it breeds deluded, control freak, wack jobs.

  • cofty

    All religion is a curse on humanity but to pretend there are not degrees of harm is to ignore reality.

    Nobody lies awake at night worrying about Jainist suicide bombers.

    Islam is infinitely more repressive than modern western chrisianity.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Islam is infinitely more repressive than modern western chrisianity.

    I agree about the religion, but given half a chance christianity could be exactly the same which is why seperation of church and state is paramount for our long term safety and freedom, just look at what is happening in Russia at the moment...and, I do not think you can justify the wholesale slaughter of innocent PEOPLE because they happen to belong to a religion and live in a certain part of the world.

    People seem to tune out to the fact that these are human beings. And whilst I am in total agreement that Islam is a dreadful religion. It does not justify WAR. Especially imaginary wars on terror and weapons of mass destruction.

    It is possible that in dealing with Religious extremism we can end up being as bad as, or worse than, the extremists themselves. All with the approval of the general populus who have been sold the lie that ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists.

    Straight after the bombing in Boston a muslim woman...a doctor was attacked. And why? For being a muslim.

    heba cropped again

    A Muslim woman living in Boston told the Malden Patch that she was attacked by a crazed man Wednesday morning in an apparent hate crime related to Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings.

    Is that any better? The hatred just because of her religion? I hate her religion...I don't hate her.

    The following is a presentation given in the Dialogue sessions of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, May 2012.

    If anyone has the stomach for it...that presentation outlines the reality of war, and the affect on INNOCENT lives in Iraq.

    Just one example in Iraq, since 2003 half a million Iraqi CHILDREN were killed, that's 50000 per year, that's 1037 per day, that's like 45 Boston massacres per day in Iraq for a whole decade, 1 child is killed every half hour !!!!!

    There has to be a better way.

  • *lost*


    Still thinking

    By the way peeps. If your going to make references to religions and cultures, then you have also to accept that other people are going to do the same.

    the door swings both ways.

    I didn't say '' oh well it's ok for islam to do what it's doing cos the christians did it 900 yrs ago '' !!!!

    My point was the HISTORY. Should we just disregard history and not mention it because someone might get upset ? history deals with facts, it teaches us and gives us the information to look at what went wrong, why and how to prevent same from happening again. What changes need to be made.

    The things that are happening now - are not new. They have happened before. Other people have had to live with it.

    Why is america/britain invoved in war the middle east ? why is the west hated ?

    Do you think because the us/uk soldiers have left and the 'war' has stopped that it's all rosy and happy in those countries ?

    Look at Fallujah.Depleted Uranium. White phosphorous. Napalm.

    Weapons of mass destruction ? was there really.

    Ancient tribal countries and their peoples are very different to modern western countries and their peoples.

    edited to add

    ps America is broke - europe is broke. who has the wealth and power these days. Europe is full of immigrants from said countries.

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