Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • soontobe
  • BizzyBee

    When the story broke, we knew that

    1) It was on April 15 - tax day

    2) It was Patriot's Day

    3) It was in Boston (famous for the Boston Tea Party)

    4) It was not a suicide bombing

    5) There was a vote due on gun legislation

    With speculation rampant, why wouldn't it be logical to wonder about the Tea Party extremists in addition to the usual suspects? It's called "profiling." Why all the pearl clutching?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    It does seem to be predominantly Muslim belief that is intolerant to free speach when it come to religion. I was checking out blasphemy laws and it would appear that New Zealand (where I'm from) has blasphemy laws...tucked away, we don't use it anymore...we call it 'hate speach'...sounds much more modern don't you think? LOL

    Heres a list of all the countries that have...or have had blasphemy laws. And info about each country can be found on the links in that page. would appear Ireland isn't so keen to let go of their blasphemy laws just yet. They still have "publication or utterance of blasphemous matter" And they aren't Muslim. So if someone WANTED to take people to task for being meanies about their appears, they

    Blasphemy law in the Republic of Ireland

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

    In the Republic of Ireland, blasphemy is required to be prohibited by Article 40.6.1.i. of the 1937 Constitution. The common lawoffence of blasphemous libel, last prosecuted in 1855, was ruled in 1999 to be incompatible with the Constitution's guarantee of religious equality. The lacuna was filled in 2009 by a new offence of "publication or utterance of blasphemous matter". The continued existence of a blasphemy offence is controversial, with proponents of freedom of speech and freedom of religion arguing it should be removed.

  • smiddy

    Religion has been a curse on mankind since its inception , not just christianity ,Islam , Taoist, or any other religion , ALL RELIGIONS since time began have been a curse on humanity restricting them from reaching their true potential to what they could acheive .

    We could acheive so much more without the shackles of religion


  • Phizzy

    "Religion poisons everything"

  • mP

    To be fair on all the people who knock Islam, we must not forget Christianity is 1000x worse. The problem is most of the audience commenting here are watching tv which is naturally slanted against the muslims. In muslim countries they are of course telling you how evil and how many muslims christians have killed this last week. If we were to count the raw figures the christians have of course killed more mulsims this week, month, year and so oon by a clear margin. The problem is American media call it something different and do not hammer day in and day out the how bad boston was. In Afghanistan and in Iraq the same thing happens every other day and many times more people died because of the mayhem and American carelessness during the war.

    But of course the media never reminds you of those unpleasentries. The same is true of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. If you examine the figures, Israel has killed more Palestianians than the bombers by a significant margin, but of course the media never tells you that.

    Change the year in the link and take a look at the numbers, its easy to see which side has suffered more dead.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Can't argue with you there smiddy...but I have to say. We underestimate the power of the big corporations too. They have a lot of control over the puppets we call our governments, they are the modern day version of religion. They concern me more than the average muslim who really just wants to get on with their lives, just like the average christian.

    Companies like Monsanto...who are trying to control our food. Even in New Zealand they are passing laws to make us criminals if we use our own seeds instead of theirs. Their power and control reaches much further than just American shores. Then there are the big corporations that are taking control of everyones water. THAT should never be allowed to happen but it already is. And the oil companies that now want to come into our waters and drill for oil....companies I might add that have a terrible history with oil spills in what were once pristine seas. Big businesses like our Media, who manipulate and control what we see and how we feel about it..... And governments in the west just kiss their asses and sign our rights away, and the media kisses theirs. It's a sweet arrangement.

    Big corporations...they want power and money. And they are relentless. And they don't care about anyone. They don't care what religion you are. What colour, what country. They will sh*t on all of us equally.

    The damage that these corporations will do to our lives far exceeds what Islam has done to any of us. In the long term. Those who control food and water will control the world.

    *hops off soap box and wanders off to make a coffee*

  • soontobe
    With speculation rampant, why wouldn't it be logical to wonder about the Tea Party extremists in addition to the usual suspects? It's called "profiling." Why all the pearl clutching?

    Hunt for the elusive Tea Party murderer continues

  • BizzyBee

    Chris Nogy, husband of Leigh Nogy, the secretary of the Benton County (Arkansas) Republican Party, submitted a diatribe to the party’s official newsletter which was subsequently published on the official Benton County GOP website. The issue that set Mr Nogy off was the Arkansas state legislature’s vote approving expansion of the state’s Medicaid program:

    "The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives. It seems that we are unable to muster that belief in any of our representatives on a state or federal level, but we have to have something, something costly, something that they will fear that we will use if they step out of line. If we can’t shoot them, we have to at least be firm in our threat to take immediate action against them politically, socially, and civically if they screw up on something this big. Personally, I think a gun is quicker and more merciful, but hey, we can’t."

    With this kind of rhetoric ramping up among the gun crowd, it will happen at some point.

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