Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • BizzyBee

    Islam is no more a force for good than any other religion. Who said it was?

    You undermine your argument by over-stating (incorrectly) your opposition's position.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I think religion is a blight, and what mainly bothers me, is that the secularists are not consistent. They rag on other religions (e.g. Christianity) but make a special exception for Islam as if it's good,

    I agree 100%...I can't stand religion. Any of them. And Islam is one of my least favourites along with fundamentalist christian religions.

    I make no exception for them. NONE. If some crazy baptist bombed an abortion clinic and killed innocent women, I would not condone killing all the baptists either.

    I acknowlege that Islam is a large proportion of the world, so it can seem that they are a huge threat to our safety. But, do the statistics prove that? They seem to be more of a threat to each other. You could argue that increased security has prevented a lot of killing. But I doubt it has prevented much. If they want to do it they will. Just look at this bombing. They even had experts THERE....with dogs specifically trained to sniff out bombs etc...and right under their explosion. If they wanted to do it, they would. It's a bit like a burglar getting into your home. You can have burglar alarms...and the best security...but if they really want to get in...they'll just smash a window when no one is looking.

    I am just saying that WAR is not the solution to this. In fact, that is how religion has dealt with these issues in the past, that's their style. Hatred of other religions has often been the justification for indiscriminate murder.

    We are better than that. Or at least...we should be.

    In Ireland...that war went on and on. Catholics vs Protestants. (of course it also included politics and Britains soverinty ), but the underlying hatred was against people of the OTHER religion. And the most ridiculous thing about that is they both call themselves Christian. And they were all Irish.

    They did NOT solve that ongoing war in their country with more WAR. At some point, they had to stop, it was achieving nothing other than death of innocent people. They had to put down their guns..stop bombing each other...and talk.

    I'm not saying that everything is as simple as talking, but in the end thats what always has to be done to come to some sort of cease fire. But, there are other methods that can prove effective. BEFORE we ever consider bombing and killing.

  • tootired2care

    @bb - You undermine your argument by over-stating (incorrectly) your opposition's position.

    You're seriously going to deny the liberal media's double standard, and even Obama's positive remarks about Islam? Considering the source I'm not surprised...

    @st - I am just saying that WAR is not the solution to this.

  • BizzyBee

    You mean this?

    "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims and Shiite pilgrims," he told the UN.

    "It's time to heed the words of Gandhi: 'intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.' Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, that's the vision we will support."

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Justitia Themis...thanks for this. I have had a quick look and it looks interesting. So I am bookmarking to read properly.

  • Talk22
    This from Bizzy Bee, whose response on the day of the bombing was:
    "tea party extremists ?".
    Pretty much her hopeful response after any domestic killing incident, from Gabby Gifford to the theatre shooting in Colorado..etc..

    Boy are they disappointed they wanted the bombers to be tea party members instead of radical Muslim terrorists who were given lots of free stuff paid for by us. Tells you who they think the real enemies are not foreign islamic terrorists but their own fellow Americans.

  • Simon

    Actually, I think Bill Mahr made a good point: Islam is the only religion where you couldn't have a 'book of Mormon' type show on Broadway because of even the 'moderate' muslims. I think it is different to other religions.

  • soontobe
  • BizzyBee

    Matched only by the collective sigh of relief on the moderate right.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    You're seriously going to deny the liberal media's double standard, and even Obama's positive remarks about Islam? Considering the source I'm not surprised...

    Are you still on the "OBama is a Muslim." rant? I thought that died with Mr bad hair and his search for birth certificates and university transcripts

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