Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • Fencing

    I agree about the religion, but given half a chance christianity could be exactly the same which is why seperation of church and state is paramount for our long term safety and freedom

    Exactly. The thing that seperates the current state of Islam from the current state of Christianity is our secular governments. The fact that our rule of law does NOT take into account religious laws in determining justice. You break down that seperation of Church and State (like so many fundamentalists would love to do), and with in a couple generations the US would be as torn and violent as any Middle Eastern country.

  • sammielee24

    we are better, we have recognized the problems of dehumanizing half the population ""


    I'm not sure that is entirely true - in any country. The poor are marginalized at every turn and used as political pawns as often as possible. We see it on this board all the time and this represents only a fraction of the people who feel that way. Welfare bums; leeches; welfare queens; ghetto; entitlement pigs; white trash - all dehumanizing by their very name. Ditto race and culture which are always sought out to divide a nation. In one sense we can take the gun issue - for some people you are dehumanizing ALL the children who died in Newtown by the very act of refusing to allow background checks to ensure those weapons are not handed out to just anyone. Those people see a lack of action to try and change the acceptance of gun death as equal to making the victims invisible. If you justify the existence of laws for women as representative of Christian goodness and progression, if you state that rape victims have the advantage of going to the law with a grievance and thereby escaping being stoned to death - how do we atone as a Christian nation for the act of occupation in Iraq in which a million women have been widowed and many of those now forced to turn to prostitution in order to feed their children. How do we atone for those grievances - a million homes without fathers, without husbands and the vast majority of those forced to exist in poverty and then further maligned when that very poverty pushes them into decisions they might be killed for? As a Christian nation we supplied guns and ammunition and support to all sides all over the world - were these acts of humanity or an act of power and greed as we sought to acquire and then maintain the resources of those countries?

    I am not a supporter of any fundamentalist religion....but I kind of understand where Tal is coming from.

  • Glander

    It seems whenever another cold blooded Islamic terrorist murder is brought to our notice (The Boston bombing is typical of what happens almost every day in countries whose name end with "....stan".) it triggers an overwhelming urge to condemn western society and Christianity in general. This exercise in moral equivalency seems to comfort some peoples sense of ...what?... fairness?

    Sammie, Tal, Fencing, et al, your responses are entirely predictable. I guess you are just morally superior to those of us simpletons who call a spade a spade.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    For a basic primer on Islamic law, look at the article on top. From that article, you can learn much of what I am learning, but it will not cost you the $5, 000 I am paying for just this one class. : )

    For those who are interested in authoritative information on this thread's subject matter, I am highlighting this portion from one of my prior posts.

    I will not summarize the article, as was requested, because I do not feel it my responsibility to spoon feed the masses.

    This SSRN link provides peer-reviewed, authoritative law review articles for which one would need to pay a tidy sum of money to purchase. If getting the information for free isn't impetus enough for persons to educate themselves, those persons likely aren't really interested in factual information.

  • sammielee24

    First of all Glander YOU don't know crap.

    All the media is shouting Muslim and Russia - but we really haven't been given the facts of whether this is a bunch of idiot guys who hate their lives and Americans - which may have absolutely NOTHING to do with this tragic event. We won't know until facts come out but you somehow think YOU are morally superior by making statements that this was a religious hate crime without ever waiting for the facts to actually come out and then slamming us because we point out some simple truths with questions.

    You see, people that might ask, might question, might conjecture but that state they ARE NOT in favor of fundamentalism - could be construed as morally superior - know why? Because we are willing to admit that there is hate and crime and finger pointing throughout all nations and in all religion. We don't think we are superior beings - we just aren't willing to give ourselves a big pat on the back for being somehow better - when in fact a bomb dropped on 250 innocent people is no less murderous than another dropped somewhere else on the same number of innocent people. A mother in Iraq cries as does a mother in America. A child weeps in Africa just as a child weeps in Australia. Our blood and tears and love for life is no different - it is small number of people who fundamentally hate others and will seek to destroy them.

    Do I understand Islam? No. I really have no desire to. Do I detest fundamentalism? Yes. That approach serves to seek out and oppress and destroy all that does not align with it - no matter what religion it is. Am I glad to be living in North America? Yes I am. Would I want to be living in Iraq or Afghanistan? No I wouldn't. My choices don't mean that I don't believe that there aren't good people there - it just means that yes, fundamentalism lives there and I detest the degree of fundamentalism it represents. There are people there trying to change those attitudes but it may never work. Does pointing out our own approach to spreading Christianity - Bush and his Crusades - Jesus rifles - do those make us better or do we just dress the issue up so it doesn't look as evil?

    JW's believe they are morally superior to everyone else. They believe a child must become a martyr rather than take blood. They cut people off as if dead and by doing so destroy people and families and lives - if the laws of the land allowed otherwise, perhaps they too would become the poster child for stoning the flock. Those pushed to sucide by shunning - a living death for some - is no less death. Are we morally superior because we pass laws that still allow a living death opposed to stoning? Are we somehow morally superior when we say a child should die on the religious beliefs of the parent? I don't know if we are or not. I'm okay with asking myself those questions and looking for answers. sammieswife

  • Talk22

    justucia is an islamic apologist beware

  • Talk22
  • Talk22

    Saying equating Islam with violence is false is like saying equating disney with mickey is false.

  • Glander

    Perfect example of my post above. sammie has the ability to make a statement that shouldn't require more than a paragraph and turn it into a 500 word essay on the ax she wants to grind.

    Focus, sammie, focus! This thread's title is the topic.

  • Talk22

    Short answer (cooking my dinner right now), those texts predominately deal with the period when relations broke down between the Muslims and their Jewish neighbors in Medina. Things had been peaceful for a time, but resource wars broke out.

    In an article called “Salam is a greeting for Non-Muslims” Sheikh Faysal b. Anwar Mawlawî
    discussed the hadith: “….Do not initiate the salaam with the Jews and Christians and when you
    meet them on the road, force them to go to the narrowest part of it...”
    [ Muslim ]. The Shayk wrote:
    ”……this hadîth relates to “a state of hostilities” which had erupted at that time against the
    Muslims. It was, in fact, at the time of the campaign against Banû Qurayzah. This is established by
    another authentic hadîth where the Prophet [ peace be upon him ] said: “…We are going forth in
    the morning against a group of Jews, so do not initiate the greeting of Peace with them….” [
    Musnad Ahmad 26695 and Mu’jam al-Tabarani al-Kabir 22 / 291. See also Musnad Ahmad 16844
    and.17584.]. Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani relates the same from al-Bukhari’s al-Adab al-Mufrad and from’“”.[.11./.39.]…..”
    In response to this explenation a sincere Muslim brother emailed me and wrote:
    ”….I don't think it is really convincing. Because the Prophet peace be upon him also included
    Christians. In Sahih Muslim, Book 26, Number 5389 we read: “…....Abu Huraira reported Allah's
    Messenger [ may peace be upon him ] as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before
    they greet you

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