Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • tootired2care

    @Justia - If you bothered to read the article I referenced

    What article? What you linked was more like an encyclopedia, perhaps you could summarize the relavent points to this discussion.


    TT2C, I don't know where you are getting your information (some blog?)

    Refer back to the opening post and comments.

    It's EXACTLY this type of reasoning that got over 200,000 Iraqi citizens murdered in the previous administration's attempt to secure American oil interests

    It's really not, This has nothing to do with Bush and the Iraq war. I'm tired of this bullsh1t religion being defended by secularists as a religion of peace when it is clearly not.

    I agree with what Simon stated earlier, that education is the solution not war, but hiding Islam behind the veil of political correctness and coddling this religion just because so many are afraid to call a spade a spade, is not going to help people see that this religion is not a force for good in the world.

    It's people like YOU, who insist on talking smack, and making up stories, who are the targets of extremists. OOOOO, let's hate all the Muslims!

    Who said anything about hating Muslims? It's Islam (a religion not a race) that gives its zealous adherants an authority and a license to think they are good and moral by killing innocents, and apostates. That is what we're talking about here.

    Take care Tal.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I too find Islam scary. According to news reports, the judges order literal eye for an eye justice when the victim is a man. Recently a man was ordered to be paralyzed because he caused another man to become paralyzed. Women are held to a higher standard of morality and pay far more dearly for their 'misbehavior' than the men of Islam do. Women's lives are held in such little regard, that crimes against them are used to punish them, such as rape.

    Justitia-Just because your female class mates are dominating the class, doesn't mean that knowledge and skill will prevail once school is over. The women will put a bag on their head and become just a partial person.

    I'll take the good ole USA any day, with its liberty and freedoms, to any religiously governed country.

  • tootired2care

    Here is a video of Richard Dawkins trying to reason with a guy over what women should be allowed to wear, very interesting. We really need to help these people get out of the 11th century, and reform their BS religion.

  • talesin

    Yeah, and let's not forget the XTIAN FUNDIES .. who dictate what their women wear, who bomb abortion clinics, who marry 12 YO girls ,,, must I go on? No, I think not, because YOUR ignorance is your bliss.


  • Berengaria

    tootired2, do you know any Muslims personally?

  • talesin

    Ah,,, okay,, education, education, education....

    MUSLIM IS NOT A RACE ....... Muslim = Islam ........ hello, it's the same thing......... a religion --- people who believe in Islam are Muslim ... just like those who believe in Jesus are Christian.

    See? You really need to know what you are talking about before you put your foot in your mouth.



  • tootired2care

    My sister is in a Muslim congregation, and i've met some that were from the middle east, and I used to have a couple of Muslim return visits, all nice people in spite of Islam not because of it.

  • tootired2care

    See? You really need to know what you are talking about before you put your foot in your mouth.

    Calm down Tal, breath, it's gonna be okay...I promise no one is gonna start a war for calling out the BS of religion. You see here in the western world we can talk about these things in an objective and even subjective way. If we were livng under a Islamic theocracy we would be stoned for having this conversion.

  • talesin

    Good to hear you say that TT2C,,, but remember, all Arabs are NOT Muslim,,, my Christian Lebanese and Syrian friends would take great exception to being called Muslim.



  • talesin

    See? You really need to know what you are talking about before you put your foot in your mouth.

    Calm down Tal, breath, it's gonna be okay I promise no one is gonna start a war.

    lol, I am very calm. Just wanted to clarify!

    And really? Can you PROMISE THAT? I guess ,,, maybe ,, because Obama doesn't seem to be a war-monger, but forgive me if I don't take that promise 'to the bank'.




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