@Justia - If you bothered to read the article I referenced
What article? What you linked was more like an encyclopedia, perhaps you could summarize the relavent points to this discussion.
TT2C, I don't know where you are getting your information (some blog?)
Refer back to the opening post and comments.
It's EXACTLY this type of reasoning that got over 200,000 Iraqi citizens murdered in the previous administration's attempt to secure American oil interests
It's really not, This has nothing to do with Bush and the Iraq war. I'm tired of this bullsh1t religion being defended by secularists as a religion of peace when it is clearly not.
I agree with what Simon stated earlier, that education is the solution not war, but hiding Islam behind the veil of political correctness and coddling this religion just because so many are afraid to call a spade a spade, is not going to help people see that this religion is not a force for good in the world.
It's people like YOU, who insist on talking smack, and making up stories, who are the targets of extremists. OOOOO, let's hate all the Muslims!
Who said anything about hating Muslims? It's Islam (a religion not a race) that gives its zealous adherants an authority and a license to think they are good and moral by killing innocents, and apostates. That is what we're talking about here.
Take care Tal.