Boston tragedy - once again Islam is the common thread in another terrorist attack

by tootired2care 138 Replies latest members politics

  • tootired2care

    Can you PROMISE THAT?

    I think I can, It's a very safe bet that Obama isn't going to war with anyone over issues with Islam (that's a good thing btw...).

  • PaintedToeNail

    talesin-You are correct, Christian Fundamentalists do dictate what women wear, i.e. Mennonites, but they do not force these women to be completely identity-less by shoving them under veil, restricting women's education and throwing acid in their faces when they do try to get an education. I've never seen a Mennonite or Amish woman wandering around with her nose cut off because she tried to leave her husband/father. I've never seen 'honor killings' because a female was thought to have been raped at the tender age of 5.

    Are Fundamentalist Christians weird? Of course the are, yet the members are free to leave, they may be shunned and disowned, but not considered infidels to be killed by whatever means possible.

    Some of the Christian Fundies who have married very young girls, Warren Jeffs anyone, have in the USA, been prosecuted and are serving time...I cannot picture a 12 year old being able to press charges against her 60 year old hubby in a Islam governed country and any judge finding him guilty of a crime.

  • talesin

    lol, and you, an exJW WOMAN, are saying this? Okay, then. whatever


  • talesin

    No Honour killings, but many women beaten by their husbands ,,, just ask Danmera ............

    Children raped and it covered up ...........

    oh, and YES,,, Warren Jeff's victims are all okay now ........ what BS!

    America right or wrong, I guess, eh? I guess YOUR fundy's are better than Islam's ,,,



  • tootired2care

    Dear Tal,

    Here is a point to ponder. If you decided to go to a public square and call Xtianity out for its BS, you would live to tell about the experience in 2013. I can't say the same if you did that of Islam in any country where the majority adheres to Islam. Do you see any difference there, do you see Islam as a religion of peace?


  • PaintedToeNail

    As a formerly beaten wife, who chose to fight back, I deeply resent your condescending attitude. My America does however allow women to make charges against the men that attack and rape them, instead of finding them guilty of fornication, burying them up to their heads in sand and having the neighbors take turns heaving rocks at them.

    Do injustices occur in the USA, of course they do, but many, many people do things like set up women shelters or become advocates for sexual assaulted children instead of considering the child to be a dishonor to their family pride and killed. I'm personally glad that I lived in the USA when it became known I was molested at age 4, had it been in Yemen or Saudi Arabia I wouldn't be here arguing with you.

  • PaintedToeNail

    talesin-By the way, I'm not an American, I'm German, I just happen to live in this lovely country. And I never once said Warren Jess victims were okay, merely that they get the opportunity to see justice being done. His victims will never be okay. Maybe we should ship them to the Islamic areas you are so fond of defending and have them stoned to death, they are guilty because they are women.

  • talesin

    On this thread, you will see a pic of the MARTYRS of Jehovah's Witnesses,,, the children whose parents slaughtered them in Jehovah's name.

    I do not see Islam as a religion of peace, no more than I see Xtianity as one. I am not excusing any acts that fundamentalist Muslims do, but I will take this moment to point out to you, that Xtianity, in its early years, was JUST as vicious --- you know, burning people, torturing them, massacring thousands ... and we are seeing the same thing with the Muslim fundies as we see with Xtian fundies. It's very xenophobic, actually --- you condemn other people for the same thing your people did --- remember NATIVE AMERICANS? You know, the ones WE slaughtered ... we are no better than any other race/religion in the world. We just cloak ourselves in a fake image of 'niceness', when in actuality we are just as vicious and barbaric as every other culture.

    Hey, good discussion, btw. :))



  • talesin

    I am not condescending to you ... oh, wait, maybe I am, because your ignorance is astounding!

    We like to PRETEND we are better, but how many women are killed by their partners? Oh, yes, I forgot (sarcasm, sorry!), WE are civilized.

    And I guess you are not aware of the THOUSANDS of women who get 'restraining orders', and it does no good. It's just a show,, jeezzz ... this does push my buttons. I am happy you escaped, but that is NOT the norm ....

    Really, if you want to continue to believe the pap that our elite/media feed us,, go ahead, and enjoy your delusions.



  • tootired2care

    and we are seeing the same thing with the Muslim fundies as we see with Xtian fundies.

    So you excuse the behavior and the religion because of what was done centuries ago, that we had no control of? In other words they are entitled to some payback? Sounds like Jehovah making descendents pay with their life for their parents mistakes how very Watchtower of you.

    BTW...I haven't seen any recent examples of Christain, Jewish, Buddist, Shinto fundamentalists, systematically trying to perform mass killings to score points with their f'd up diety. The common thread that is linked here though is Islam.

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