What the new JW light position really is 👍

by ElderBerry 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ElderBerry
    Elderberry, Im interested to know if the amount of overall hours has declined since the need to no longer report.
    What is the turn-out like at meetings for field service?

    it’s absolutely the case that overall hours decline 📉

    We all look forward to Saturday ministry group. Good friends getting together for encouragement. It’s just an excuse to meet up and feel like you are doing something good that Jesus told us to do. But we only do ten mins max.

    Then coffee break either at a cafe or someone’s home. Take it in turns. Then lots of meetings for min at other times of the week often ending with meet ups and this brings the congregation closer

    its all much easier now. Just support and kindness from the friends in the cong

  • no-zombie

    In this post I must support ElderBerry, as everyone has the inalienable right to his own path and his own conscience ... especially on this platform. Just as you have the right (unfortunately) to express your own unfiltered toxicity.

  • ElderBerry

    It’s just the same in many other religions there are many who do Not believe it is true

    Most Muslims do not believe all they are told about their religion

    The same is true for most Hindus and Buddhists

    It’s actually the same with most sects Of the Christian type of faith

    They don’t entirely believe all of it perhaps they think some of it might be true that would be nice but they don’t believe all that they are told

    The modern JW light way is exactly that it would be nice if the JW doctrines have some truth to them but they probably don’t

    But we all do not know what the whole truth is nobody knows maybe evolution is the truth or something like it I don’t know

    All I know is having a bit of a faith to base one’s life on in my opinion is better than having nothing

    If you’re going to have a bit of a faith, then being JW light is one good option but there are many other good options. You have to choose something that really suits you.

    JW light suits a lot of people with all the changes lately

    It’s now easier than ever. There’s no real sacrifice and no real obligations just all the good things.

    It’s also very interesting to see how many more changes they will be in the future

    The blood doctrine for example seems to be getting a lot lighter compared to in the past

    I think most people choose to say they want bloodless surgery because you get slightly better quality of healthcare the surgeon cannot be sloppy if he thinks he can just put more blood in

    They would rather have the cell saver machine which is brilliant or any of the blood fractions are okay in an extremely unusual situation where you would die without any other main parts of blood. I think most witnesses would decide to have it but wait until the very end rather than die, but you do get better quality healthcare without having blood Possibility. The surgeons have to take much better care of you if they have it on the file that you require bloodless surgery.

    The worst that could ever happen is you might get a 90 day rest from being a witness but then the elders beg you to come back

    When it comes to birthdays these days there seems to be a much more lightened tone all round young people having their 16th 17th 18th birthday party they just call it happy day instead of happy birthday they may have it not out on the actual day but a couple of days either side just have a coming of age party

    Once again the worst that could ever happen you might get a 90 day sanction and a wrist from being a witness but then the eldest will beg you to come back and the new way is they beg you not to have a 90 day sanction they do everything they can for you to just say The right things so you don’t need To have the 90 day sanction

    This is true of every other rule or doctrine the worst that could ever happen is you get a 90 day sanction and during that time you could still come to meetings people will still talk to you. It’s not like before.

    There is no such thing as being this fellowship anymore only a 90 day sanction and during that time people will still talk to you at the Hall anyway and then you’ll get twice as much love bombing after the 90 days when the sanctions are lifted and you’ll get invited out much more and love bombed and people do everything they can to help you

    But this is true wherever you are in the congregation we all help each other. This is what Jesus wanted.
    Being JW like these days has many advantages even if you don’t believe JW doctrine is still nice to be part of the congregation for the social benefits

    There are many on here who would never consider going back and that’s fine but there are many who used to be a JW and they don’t know how much things have actually changed

    There are many XJW who are very lonely. They blame all their problems on the governing body.

    Maybe what they need is to go back in and b JW light and then you would have your family and friends back. You’d be loved bombed you’d be invited out a lot and you could be honest with them and say that I don’t agree with everything but I like the Bible and I like the sound of the promises in the Bible. There’s nothing wrong with that.
  • Magnum

    My problem is that I just don't get how any human being with a decent dose of comprehension and compassion and a sense of justice could be anything "light" in this world we live in. I was JW "heavy," and even though I now detest JWdom, I haven't changed as far as my feelings and worldview. I am still greatly concerned by all the horror, misery, suffering, injustice, evil, ruining of the earth, etc. that exists.

    For example, I have a hard time going to sleep at night just knowing the little I know about animal suffering. Just last night I was watching a YouTube video about a Russian (1950's?) who was attempting to see how many generations it would take to domesticate wild foxes. He was using foxes at a fur farm. The video showed them being kept in small steel cages their entire lives. They paced back and forth all day. Those who weren't selected for his breeding were killed (I don't even want to know how) for their fur. It was heartbreaking to see animals who wanted to be running in fields but who were confined in small cages never even being able to touch the ground. And... those foxes were treated well compared to the treatment some animals get. And it's not just humans who inflict suffering on animals; "Mother Nature" is a cold, heartless, evil hag. Nature is filled with horror.

    Such things move me to be "heavy" in that they make me desperately want answers and solutions. I seek such daily. I live in a state of deep thought and contemplation. I sacrifice greatly to do what I can to alleviate the suffering of others.

    I just don't grasp how anybody could be "JW light." How could anybody treat the situation so casually? JWdom is a harmful, deceptive, corrupt, dishonest, false prophet, money-hungry, televangelistic, corny, goody-goody, self-righteous, condescending, smug, cowardly, shallow, dumbed down, life-stealing cult with a 150-year history of major failed predictions and looney writings. How could one even give the impression of supporting such? How could one contribute to the continuing existence of such? It is no "light" matter to me.

    The cult severely brainwashed me from early childhood causing me to lose the prime of my life and be in a situation wherein I can never retire. I have bad feelings for any who support it, including my own mother.

  • nowwhat?

    I usually go to about 3 meetings a month just to keep my wife happy. For 10 years the elders know that I think the overlapping generation and other beliefs are a joke. They leave me alone greet me at the meeting and they figure as long as I don't make a stink with others it's fine with them.

  • carla

    Well said Magnum! I saw that same show about foxes! hard to watch.

  • Halcon
    Magnum- How could one even give the impression of supporting such? How could one contribute to the continuing existence of such? It is no "light" matter to me.

    Because the peace of God is real. The scriptures are the first to tell you how deteriorated the state of man is, and that it will just get worse. Peace in our hearts is not derived from this world (likely we can all agree on that) nor from within ourselves (altho many bravely try). Peace is a gift from God, according to scriptures. And a peaceful heart gives way to the contentment which you refer to above and puzzles you.

    Elderberry mentioned something that I too have observed after several years of commuting with folks of different Christian religions. That it doesn't take much for them to just let go and be content with their circumstances, accepting that a higher power is in control.

    It wasn't entirely surprising to see JW making changes and relaxing things, in essence becoming more similar to other Christian religions that aren't so uptight about meaningless things.

    Christ said "not much is needed, if maybe only one thing ". It would make sense that even just a little faith (in God, not man who is inferior and confused) could allow for his peace to calm our hearts enough.

  • fred1

    ..........There is no such thing as being this fellowship anymore only a 90 day sanction and during that time people will still talk to you at the Hall anyway and then you’ll get twice as much love bombing after the 90 days when the sanctions are lifted and you’ll get invited out much more and love bombed..........

    only a 90-day sanction.....

    people will still talk to you anyway...

    You'll get twice as much love bombing....

    I'm over 70 now and have been to many churches over the years. I've never heard anything like the sentiments expressed above. My guess is that people in most Christian "sects" as you call them would be shocked to hear them. What normal person would hear those statements and not associate them with a cult?

  • LongHairGal


    You are totally right and I agree with everything you posted about the JW religion 100%.

    You, being married to a Witness, have seen it all. It is hard to think about the number of people in this religion who stay in spite of how toxic and damaging it is. An elder is even more reprehensible than a regular rank & file Witness because he sees behind the curtain and knows everything.. And, as for the excuse that they stay ‘because they want to make things better’ etc. it’s nonsense.. They really just don’t want to give up whatever MATERIAL benefits they have (social and business contacts, etc.)

    I am a ‘Fader’ who, fortunately, had no family there and I never caved in to the immense pressure and criticism (from elders and other hypocrites) to quit my job all those years ago!

    Then, when the religion changed the teaching about counting hours at their 2023 annual meeting - I just could not believe how right I was!!!.. I was ‘judged’ on this as a ‘low hour publisher’🙄 and Thank God I never listened!

  • Dagney

    I remember having a conversation years ago with JW friends (at the time), that the organization had two ways to go.

    • Hardcore...Knorr/Jaracz hardcore isolating way or
    • Christian church kumbaya way

    Money talks...and beards/ladies slacks/NO COUNTING HOURS is painless for the corporation and an easy way to keep people hanging on and bank debits for WT expenses in intact.

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