What the new JW light position really is 👍

by ElderBerry 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    There is some irony in the fact that as WT loosens its grip and becomes more liberal, those who have already left WT become even angrier at WT and those who stay in the religion. You’d think reforms would be welcome and encouraged to go further if impact on current and future JWs is the paramount concern, but for some who have already left WT any reforms are simply an affront in view of their past experiences and nothing but the entire collapse of the religion will satisfy.

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  • Magnum

    slimboyfat, I have always enjoyed your posts and I respect your intelligence and the fact that you seem to be so well-read. However, your post above baffles me.

    The JW organization is corrupt and deceptive. The GB members are clueless conmen buffoons who do not love truth as they claim to. Why do you seem to kind of hang on to the cult? If I remember correctly, some years ago you even went back for a while.

    JWdom is extremely reprehensible. It has stolen many lives and caused thousands to die in extreme disappointment. It claims to have the one and only truth, yet it doesn't adequately warn/inform others. Its members run from challenges and deeper questions. If JWs were who/what they claim to be and we were deep in the time of the end as they say, then their preaching work should be like the shouts of the Israelites marching around Jericho on the seventh day or like Jonah's warning of Nineveh.

    JWdom is not reforming; it's weakening. What we're seeing is a desperate organization that is simply reacting to try to survive. What motivates the changes is a selfish desire to keep the gig going - not love or anything good or noble. You have to know that. I can't believe you call what the org is doing "reform."

    I just don't get your attitude. I guess you're just more liberal/pacifist than I am. I have a strong sense of justice, and I want to see JWdom punished. I want it to have to answer for its wrongs, and, actually, my attitude is in line with Bible precedent and principles.

    Are you happy about a weakening JWdom? Will you be glad to see it survive as some happy clappy megachurch with members who don't even know their own doctrine and history?

    JWdom can't be reformed. I can't see that it's ever been right or approved by any higher being. Is somebody like me supposed to be happy that it's loosening up??? It was extremely hard on me. It ruined my life. I served it almost every day fulltime for decades. I lived in misery and poverty thinking I was doing what was right. Is it fair to me that it loosens up now??? I got not one cent of payment and not one benefit and not a single expense reimbursement for decades. Do you think I'm going to be happy now that the org is loosening up???

    You’d think reforms would be welcome and encouraged to go further if impact on current and future JWs is paramount

    Current JWs? I think that any adult who could be a JW now is reprehensible, and I have no conern for any adult who could become a JW in the future with all the growing evidence the cult. JWs now are severely lacking in one or more ways - intelligence and/or discernment and/or honesty and/or reasonableness and/or humility. Not only do I not care about current and future JWs, I want them to have to face justice for supporting such a deceptive, harmful cult. JWs judge me for not believing as they do and for not 100%ly obeying their celebrity idols - the members of the GB. Do you think I have any warm fuzzy feeling for JWs?

    I think you need to tune your sense of righteousness and justice. You seem to still have respect for the Bible. If so, I think you need to heed its advice more and be 'firm for truth.' Remember what the Scriptures say about the lukewarm; Jesus is going to 'vomit them out.' Most JWs now aren't even lukewarm. Remember what Christ supposedly said as recorded at Mt 7:21-23.

    P.S. See Ecc 1:15 - "That which is crooked cannot be made straight."

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  • liam
    It’s just the same in many other religions there are many who do Not believe it is true

    So your entire belief system is based on what THE CROWD does or doesn’t do! The ideology you ascribe to reflects idiocy.

    “Stupidity has been described as a powerful and destructive force that permeates individuals as well as society, and poses a far Greater Danger than evil itself. The reason being is because evil can be resisted using reason and moral Principles.

    But Stupidity is virtually invulnerable to rational influence.”

    “Stupidity manifest itself as Active resistance to Critical Thinking and a conscious refusal to analyze One’s own actions, ideas, and their consequences.”

    “Such a person is unwilling to reflect doubt, or put his beliefs to the test. Unlike evil, which can be curbed through argument and persuasion, Stupidity is not intellectually amenable. It stubbornly resists awareness and shows no capacity for correction and change”

    "This pernicious way of thinking that you have embraced, is embodied in the historical realities of authoritarian regimes, especially in the heyday of Nazism. Where Ordinary citizens with an ideology like yours, became the corner stone for the success of Nazism."

    “The refusal to critically analyze and question the infallibility of authority, allowed the Nazi machine to commit atrocities on a grand scale without equal in our modern times. The destructive power of the genocide committed by the Nazi Regime lay not in the power of the regime itself,

    But Rather in the lack of resistance on the part of people who lost their sensitivity to moral and intellectual demands.”

    And this is why the Watchtower will continue to be the cause for many-many more innocent children to be sexually abuse. Because elders who wake up to all the atrocities the Watchtower is committing, continue to serve as elders for a corporation who continues to destroy hundreds if not thousands of children's lives.

    It’s now easier than ever. There’s no real sacrifice and no real obligations just all the good things.
    The blood doctrine for example seems to be getting a lot lighter compared to in the past

    Regardless of what you say, hundreds of Mothers, Fathers, and underage children World Wide, will continue to commit suicide this year, unknowingly because “Elders” have to enforce the Blood doctrine because it’s still valid if you want to be a Jehovah Witness. YOU CANNOT BE AN ELDER IF YOU DON’T ENFORCE WATCHTOWER’S NO BLOOD TRANSFUSION POLICY!

    “You are like Adolf Eichmann. Hannah Arendt (a German Historian) said that the worst evil in modern society does not necessarily come from “the most evil or monstrous individuals, but rather from the ordinariness of those who commit terrible acts without thinking of the consequences.”

    “Ordinary people become agents of evil through blind obedience and the suppression of critical thinking”

    “According to Arendt, Adolf Eichmann who was one of the Key Organizers of the Holocaust, was not particular evil, he appeared as an ordinary human devoid of moral reflection who thoughtlessly carried out Orders without regard to the Humans suffering his orders would inflict on millions of innocent humans.”

    In the end, Adolf Eichmann kept insisting that he had no authority in the Nazi hierarchy and was only following orders.

    He kept trying to pursue the judges that he was trying to lessen the pain the Nazi regime was inflicting on the innocent victims.

    He tried to defend his actions with some of the Good he did for the victims. Even trying to lessen the punishment for many like you claim you do as an elder dealing with Jws in judicial committees.

    The judges saw the hypocrisy and had him executed.

    You can’t be Awake and willingly continue to be an Elder and say you are not as responsible for all the evil the Watchtower does. You can’t pretend you are helping people. You are part the of reason the Watchtower continues to exist. You will be part of the reason many will die this year because of not accepting a blood transfusion. You will be part of the machinery, that will rape, sodomize, dehumanize, hundreds of children this year and get away with it.

    You are Morally deficient. You lack the ability to adhere to accepted moral norms or values.

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  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    Jw lite would mean lite in the intelligence department for those who are heavy into it.

  • peacefulpete
    A year ago, Elderberry, you were angry at the lies and wasted years of your life preaching. You were an innocent victim then, now your choice to continue as a leader in their deception and promotion of their activity makes you no different from them. Those who look up to you and believe your talks or are persuaded by the WT you directed them to, are the victims.
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  • Balaamsass2

    Lutheran lite, episcopalian lite, Presbyterian lite....I can see. But JW lite?

    Sounds like cult-lite, mobster lite, child rapist lite, warren jeffs lite, branch davidian lite to me. A bridge too far for us.

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  • finishedmystery

    I think people are attracted to religion for 3 reasons or combinations thereof.

    1. Doctrine 2. A venue for doing some good 3. A community. It sounds like JW Lite is all about #3 with 10 minutes of the ministry thrown in to make oneself feel good about #2. As for doctrine, with the great dumbing down, the new doctrine of willful ignorance or is it willful stupidity, I guess #1 is in the dustbin. Perhaps this is why the religion continues to hold itself together as well as it does. People crave a sense of belonging to a community when they live in a world where so many are so disconnected. I can't help but think about that elder who supposedly said "I would rather be wrong and in the organization than be right and all alone." However Jesus said "The truth shall set you free." It just proves how little humans love freedom, and JWs are no exception.

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i think elderberry is trolling us.

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  • LongHairGal


    Your quote about the elder who said: “I would rather be wrong and in the organization than be right and all alone” is a sad commentary on what probably is the mindset of the majority of the people still left in the JW religion!

    Quite simply, they don’t care if it’s right or wrong. They don’t care who got damaged or hurt. They don’t care about faulty teachings and failed prophecies.. Some of the older ones condemned me for working full-time and not ‘pioneering’ years ago.. Meanwhile they were married women with a man supporting them in a comfortable style OR they were men who earned a good living
Such hypocrisy.

    I am so Glad I walked away from all this ages ago.

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  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    It may be lighter than before but the GB seem to have more control than ever. Try openly questioning them and see how light it really is.

    I admit that the social aspect is one thing I sometimes miss but the reality is that you can make friends in a lot of places. Making friends in non-religious groups is probably more real because of genuine shared interests- not forced interests.

    Having lived for more than a few decades now I can honestly say that friends are over-rated. My opinion is that it's better to have a few acquaintances that don't intrude in your life but you can count on.

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