What the new JW light position really is đź‘Ť

by ElderBerry 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HereIam60

    Watchtower has always operated by using plenty of words yet keeping things only vaguely defined. They've said they "are neither inspired nor infallible" but how do they define inspired? They say they are "spirit directed'...yet I don't recall hearing it put as " holy spirit directed'. The ongoing (for centuries), doctrinal debates among all sorts of religious people, admittedly deep thinkers, show that no one has complete or absolute understanding. And yes, within any sort of framework, including JW, people can and do disagree and protest, but of course also take the consequences.

  • peacefulpete

    MikeJw or ExBethelite or Elderberry, (whatever you want to be called), your argument is that many people compromise to keep peace is not news to us. Nor will I condemn anyone having chosen to stay in the background and keep their head down if they genuinely feel that is best. However, many in that position are not even aware of just how much they have compromised. They know nothing else and are possibly terrified of change. They may also have lingering, paralyzing fears of apocalyptic doom.

    Those that chose to fade, walk or stomp away didn't do it just so as to be free to do birthdays openly, they wanted their lives back, with a clear sense of self-direction, and intellectual honesty.

    When my father passed recently, I was compelled to support my mother and hold her hand during the JW funeral. Being there did not invoke within me a sense of warm nostalgia; the opposite, it was creepy and offensive. The trigger words and repeated mantras about paradise and preaching were every bit as off-putting as the conservative Lutheran funeral I had been to not long ago. I'm sure you are right that many in the KH, as well as many in the Lutheran church, didn't really believe what was being preached at them. It is also true that many would never openly confess that.

    I'm not someone who envies those people.

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    You can't fix stupid! Watchtower is nothing more then a lie after a lie and some people are so convinced that this is all true. But if they would use critical thinking skills they would see that Watchtower is a front for bad intentions.

  • ElderBerry
    The ongoing (for centuries), doctrinal debates among all sorts of religious people, admittedly deep thinkers, show that no one has complete or absolute understanding.

    Hereiam60 you hit the nail on the head. So if you call humble JWs hypocrites then you have to call everyone the same. I consider myself a humble JW because I think that no one has complete or absolute understanding including myself and the GB.

    Pete I’m very sorry about the funerals of loved ones you have been to recently. You make some very interesting points about the Lutheran funeral compared to JW funerals.

    When you compare any funerals from around the world you may not agree with the comforting words but if they say heaven or whatever you should just think I hope this gives comfort to family and friends.

    I don’t know what the truth is but I hope the Bible or any other belief system can bring comfort to those who lost loved ones.

    I have been to COE funerals and I think I don’t agree with all they say about heaven. But I don’t have full understanding so who am I or who is anyone to say someone’s beliefs are wrong.

    They are basically just Teaching their children to be Liars and Hypocrites. This is how evil people are made!

    Liam, Are we all hypocrites for having a belief system that could be not true? If that is the case then everyone is a hypocrite no matter what you believe.

  • Phizzy

    P.P said " Those that chose to fade, walk or stomp away didn't do it just so as to be free to do birthdays openly, they wanted their lives back, with a clear sense of self-direction, and intellectual honesty."

    That was why I simply walked away one day, never to return. It is in my genetic make-up to be a Lover of Truth, to pretend I am not, which I would have to do if I remained in the J.W's, would have been to deny WHO I AM !

    I decided that Truth is ONLY that which has irrefutable Evidence. Anything with a lesser quality of Evidence is mere opinion. And things with Zero Evidence, like beliefs in gods etc. can be discounted as valid opinions, having no evidence means they do not accord with Reality in any way.

    I did not know how my family, especially my darling wife would react to my leaving, or what the Elders would do, but, to be true to myself I simply HAD to walk away, from a "religion" founded upon, and maintained by Lies.

    Those who are J.W Light are such for a variety of reasons, but either they are not truly Lovers of Truth, or if they are, they are denying who they really are !

    To be in either situation is not a mentally comfortable one, and mitigates against attaining full Peace and Happiness.

    But, each to his own, I do not criticise people for that kind of decision, I just feel sorry for them, I know how wonderful it is to have full Intellectual Freedom, and a clear sense of self direction, and to be comfortable in my own skin, because I am now the REAL ME.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @elderberry: at this point you know what is right and wrong in the organization. What you believe and whether it is correct is irrelevant, you know the flaws in the organization yet you continue to support them in your position.

    The GB through certain teachings are responsible for systematic child abuse, mental abuse and self-enrichment. Doesn’t that make you responsible as elder that teaches and (at least pretends to) supports this, regardless of personal beliefs, in the eyes of God, morality and the law? Like a soldier that knows his orders are against the rules of war and still executes them, said soldier is held responsible.

    JW Lite is the worst kind of JW because you know it is wrong yet you are too cowardly to stand up for yourself and your fellow people, especially the children.

    If you and your friends truly believe the GB is fallible and has strayed, declare your congregation independent from the organization and claw back your rights, dignity and property.

  • ElderBerry
    That was why I simply walked away one day, never to return. It is in my genetic make-up to be a Lover of Truth, to pretend I am not, which I would have to do if I remained in the J.W's, would have been to deny WHO I AM !
    I decided that Truth is ONLY that which has irrefutable Evidence

    If anyone is certain that they have the truth about the universe then they arrogant in my humble opinion.

    if you think you have irrefutable evidence of how the universe began if there was intelligent design or not, then you are arrogant because there is no irrefutable evidence of these things just opinions

    Theists always say they have irrefutable evidence there is god. Atheists always say there is evidence of evolution the universe began by chance and irrefutable evidence there is no god.

    I think they are both wrong. There is no irrefutable evidence either way.

  • ElderBerry
    Those who are J.W Light are such for a variety of reasons, but either they are not truly Lovers of Truth, or if they are, they are denying who they really are !

    This is such an arrogant thing to say, as if you have the truth and you know everyone else is wrong? Or if you admit you don’t have the truth then whatever your belief system is the same could be said about you as those of us who choose JW lite.

    To be in either situation is not a mentally comfortable one, and mitigates against attaining full Peace and Happiness.

    Again this is arrogance. You are saying you have peace and happiness because you know the truth about the universe?

    I claim the opposite. I have peace and happiness because I know that neither you or I have the truth about the universe. Maybe the Bible is the word of God or maybe it isn’t but I love studying it with the possibility that it is truth. But being humble enough to know that we may not have the correct interpretation 100%. This is JW lite and this is peace and happiness for me. Each to his own as you say. I don’t think you have intellectual freedom if you are so sure you have the truth and everyone else is wrong, I think you are delusional. I feel sorry for people who think this.

    I have clear sense of direction and look to the future with optimism because I have reached contentment in my position as PIMA. I’m mentally agnostic but remaining physically in. This is the best of both worlds and have a good attitude remain humble and never arrogantly feel everyone else is wrong and I know the truth.

    But, each to his own, I do not criticise people for that kind of decision, I just feel sorry for them, I know how wonderful it is to have full Intellectual Freedom, and a clear sense of self direction, and to be comfortable in my own skin, because I am now the REAL ME.
  • TonusOH

    ElderBerry: as if you have the truth and you know everyone else is wrong?

    That's not what he is saying. If the WTS does not live up to its stated ideals, then it is wrong. If a group of men claim to have god's explicit support, but their words and actions don't show it, then it is natural to want to avoid them. This has nothing to do with whether the ultimate truths about the universe are knowable.

    Not knowing the ultimate answer is no reason to accept bad explanations.

  • ElderBerry

    Yes, this is the entire point of being JW light

    It might have some or a lot of truth to it, but maybe a lot of the interpretation of the Bible is not true. This is JW light.

    The only way someone could criticise those of us who choose JW light is if they claim they definitely know the entire truth and that everyone else is wrong

    If you do not claim this, then you are just the same as those of us who choose to be JW light

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