What the new JW light position really is šŸ‘

by ElderBerry 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peacefulpete

    Slimboyfat....If I was passionate about saving the whales and spent years actively and financially supporting a 'Save the Whales' organization only to learn they in fact were not what they appeared to be. My money had been only spent on real estate, self-promotion and colorful brochures. My time and efforts had not saved a single whale. Would I not be the greatest of hypocrites and charlatans if I subsequently continued promoting the organization and recruited others to donate to it.

    How much more would that be the case if lives were involved.

    I do not pretend that the WT or the Christian Scientists or the Hari Krishnas, or any of the world's many delusional or controlling sects, are going anywhere. I can only control where I'm going.

  • JohnR1975
    My problem is that I just don't get how any human being with a decent dose of comprehension and compassion and a sense of justice could be anything "light" in this world we live in. I was JW "heavy,"

    This is true of every single religion. There are some heavy into it and they say to those who are light into it ā€œMy problem is that I just don't get how any human being with a decent dose of comprehension and compassion and a sense of justice could be light into this religionā€

    Lutheran lite, episcopalian lite, Presbyterian lite....I can see. But JW lite?

    Islam light, Jewish light, Hindu light, Buddhist light?

    Think about evolution light? Or apathetic light? Then there is agnostic light?

    whatever your beliefs are I think itā€™s the correct view the course of wisdom to be aware you may not be correct about what you believe?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    They do shadow birthday celebrations and ignore most of the directions from the fat old men in upstate NY.

    Wow. It's psychologically worse now than it used to be. If you are a kid growing up in a family "strong in the truth", and you see elders being hypocritical; that would serve to wake up kids even faster than before when everyone believed the GB spoke with the voice of God.

    When you wake up at 13 or 14 in a family that is "strong in the truth", there is literally no where to go but the street, especially if you are a kid who is not afraid of confrontation and who likes to talk alot.

    Kids who talk too much don't make it far in a cult. May God protect them as they try to navigate the complete chaos they were born into.

  • LongHairGal


    You are right and itā€™s true that kids who talk too much donā€™t make it in a cult!

    I was neither a ā€˜kidā€ nor a born-in and I remember asking innocent but intelligent questions when I was new.. I was then put on the shit list. It also didnā€™t help that I wouldnā€™t stop working full-time to ā€˜pioneerā€™ and do favors for Users there.šŸ¤£ Just attempted exploitation pure and simple. I should have known at that point it was downhill all the way and a total waste of my time and energy.. I couldā€™ve have exited the JWs sooner.

    I can laugh about this now because itā€™s many years ago and Iā€™m now retired. Although itā€™s a sad reality that some born-in kid who wants out of the Witness religion can very well end up in the street. The authorities should be more aware of this very ugly fact in this secretive group.

  • Mikejw

    Most religions and even non religious beliefs like evolution have 90%+ members in the lite category.

    JWs used to have minority in the lite categories and majority heavily into it.

    i suspect that was true with Catholics and every type of Protestant or other belief system in years gone by.

    These days even Muslim and every other belief system including atheism most people are in the lite categories of their belief system.

    there has been a big change in the JWs since Covid, and since the GB keep saying ā€œwe donā€™t knowā€

    then the GB have stated they are not infallible.

    this is basically admitting that what they currently believe may be wrong.

    so really all JWs should be JW lite and say to themselves we may be right about this or that but in the other hand we may not have the correct understanding of it.

    I myself am in this category. Iā€™m pretty sure the GB are wrong about lots of things but I donā€™t have the presumption to say I have the correct understanding of it.

  • Mikejw

    Itā€™s very easy to bash other belief systems. I could bash atheists all day long but then again they could bash those who believe in God.

    Those who believe in the trinity get basked by those who think Jesus is Gods son and vice versa.

    Itā€™s just as easy to bash JWs as it is every other belief system.

    I think k the best way is to decide for yourself if you think the universe had intelligent design or not. If not then be an evolutionist.

    if you believe the universe and everything in was designed then you have to decide if that designer had anything to do with the Bible. Then you have to decide if Jesus was just an ordinary man or if he was Gods firstborn son, who he claimed to be.

    Then you really have to be honest and say there are so many interpretations of the scriptures we just donā€™t know. We can do our best to try and guess but it is very presumptuous to say that I have the correct interpretation and others are wrong.

    this is the way JW lite seems to be going. I love the sound of the promises in the Bible but letā€™s be honest nobody really has the entire truth about the scriptures.

    Im staying physically in JWs and find it very interesting studying the Bible with the congregation every week. But always think we may not have the correct understanding of these scriptures.

    Too many people like Lloyd Evans for example bash other peopleā€™s belief systems without saying this is the correct belief system that other people could bash.

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