JoinedTopics Started by Markfromcali
What is the "Sacred Secret"?
by goddess_baal init's been about four years since i attended the kh, and i'm amazed to realize just how many of the doctrines i have forgotten.. i don't have the literature at my disposal anymore (or maybe i'm just too lazy), and the phrase "sacred secret" just popped into my head yesterday.
wasn't it one of the j-dub teachings of some sort?
(i remember asking my mom when i was a little girl, and i seems to me that she had trouble explaining it herself.).
I've discovered something..........
by desib77 inabout myself...... i think i'm a very judgemental person and that really bothers me.
it's only in regard to religon though..... for example, yesterday, after my husband and i had watched the passion, i was all pumped up about religon, so thankful that jesus had died for me and and ready to start trying to better myself.
that evening my husband got really ticked off at someone who had pulled out in front of us almost causing an accident and cussed them out.
life after death
by Sookie ini'm new to this forum and was born and raised as one of jehovah's witnesses.
my family left the religion when i was around 15-years-old.
i am now in my late 20s.
Bible Mind Control is,,, Faith: belief in the unprovable,which,is glorified
by frankiespeakin in.
the bible gives faith a very high value and make faith in god a virtue that is rewarded with everlasting life.
this,,, is what gives the bible strong power,,, over the mind causeing it not to think clearly and see the clever control faith is.
George Orwell's '1984'
by Winston Smith :>D inon a thread it was asked how we chose our screen name.
mine is from the book george orwell's, 1984. .
'winston smith' is the protagonist who big brother tries to crush.. the book, along with george orwell's animal farm, are required reading imo for any jw/x-jw.. actually, the book is a great insight into what can happen when individuals surrender their freedom to any high control group.. .
Depression and That Fading Away Feeling
by Swan inwhen you get depressed, do you ever have the feeling that you are fading away?
let me describe what i have been experiencing now and in the past.
i feel so depressed that i feel like i'm not really here in the present.
what is the meaning of life??
by zen nudist in.
one thing which kept me trapped as a jw far longer than necessary was the fear that if i left and no longer believed, my life would be empty of meaning and futile and ultimately end in a meaningless death.
i could not find any meaning in the world apart from the view jws had imposed upon me... all other ways seemed to lead only to meaninglessness.. but once out and even without a belief in any god[s] i still found my life meaningful but it took several years before i understood my new source of meaning and now see it as the only valid source... i will explain this after i see some of your ideas as i do not wish to bias your answers in advance.
do you believe in karma?
by SpiceItUp inwe have all heard the cliche' "what goes around comes around" but do you really believe it?.
i know this person that for many years has been unkind, devious and vengeful and then over more recent years has had bad luck everywhere they turned around.
i mean one thing after another.
by asleif_dufansdottir inok, i'm not trying to fan any flames, (don't beat me simon!
) but the anthropologist will explode if she doesn't get to say something.
"race" - we are all homo sapiens sapiens.