JoinedTopics Started by lnunya
Brilliant Talk Yesterday
by Violet injust thought i would share this.........a brother who used to be a mercenary before he came into the truth gave the talk at the hall yesterday and he said that the bible was like jehovah's cv.....it told us everything about him.....so we can really know him.. he also said with all the governments and all the rules and regulations in the world, and nothing working at the moment, we should appreciate that jehovah only has 2 laws.............love him above all other things, and love our neighbours..........if only the whole world obeyed those 2 laws there would be peace without the need for armageddon................so its all down to humans why things are going wrong.. if we abandoned the planet tomorrow the earth would repair itself and there would be peace and harmony in nature.......... man has really messed up.. thank goodness we have had the chance to know jehivah and have a hope for the future!!.
My Declaration of Freedom
by Lady Lee indeclaration of freedom.
free to be more tolerant of others' beliefs .
free to be more tolerant of other's lifestyles (because they are none of my business) .
What Was The Very First Thing That Came Across Your Eyes That Lead You Down The Road To Doubt?
by Yizuman inany of you remember what was exactly the first thing that crossed your eyeballs to lead you into doubting the wts?.
Did You ACTUALLY Believe That Jehovah Was Going To Answer Your Prayers?
by minimus ini know many people, witnesses and nonjws that truly believe that if they prayed to god, he would hear their entreaty and perform some miracle and grant their wishes.. did you believe in the power of prayer?.
Christmas 2008
by Wordly Andre infor those of you who are celebrting this year and have done so other years, do you find it kind of hard to get everything done?
i thought that money may be my biggest issue this christmas, but it's more about time, i still haven't even got my tree yet, just a couple days ago hung the lights.
this past week i only started getting boxes down, i may not go all out this year like last year just seems like not enough time.
Those here who disassociated- do you regret it?
by JimmyPage indoes anyone here who disassociated regret it?
do you wish you had just faded instead?
did disassociating give you a liberating feeling of power over your life?
#1 reason they go in service...be honest!..........
by oompa inya a beautiful fall day here....trees ablaze with color...and a slight drizzle...me sippin yummy coffee...wife crammin her bookstudy book, then off to meeting and service........god she dresses up a lot!....i fogot how much i did that.....i have about $2000,00 of suits getting dusty in my closet if anybody needs a 42 long btw......so i just asked myself and sooo wanted to ask my wife "why are you really going out in service today?
".......and there are many automatic jw answers:.
1. jesus said we must go and make disciples, and it is the loving thing to do..........2. because the time is short and have to save as many as possible......3. because we love our neighbors ( but i cant frikin have them over for a grillout!).........
Survival Mode?
by lnunya ini had lunch with a jw associated friend this past week.
according to her father, they have announced at the meetings to start stocking up on survival supplies in preparation for great trib/armageddon.
for those of you that still go, is this announcement widespread?